You'll now have a base of operations from which you can strike out against the Crusade in several ways, before the climactic Siege itself. Numerous side quests are available as well.
Here is your initial point of entry. There won't be any new accessible areas on the World Map, at least not until you've spoken to other people here and picked up a few quests.
Spend enough time here and Safana, if she's in your party, will let on that she's pickpocketed several items along the way. And the items she's pickpocketed leads her to believe there is a traitor in the camp. That starts her own personal quest, The Traitor.
Marshall Nederlok will speak to you, and indicate a displeasure with Commander Torsin de Lancie not ordering an attack on Dragonspear.
Bence Duncan will be here after you've had a conference with General Stonehand, Marshall Nederlok and Torsin de Lancie. He'll give you the Skie's Gone Missing Quest.
Here is a Dwarf named Helvdar. He gives the Quest called Helvdar's Lucky Charm. He'd like you to find the leather from a bear in Dead Man's Pass, bring it to Belegarm, and have it fashioned into new boots for him.
He's also potentially relevant to The Traitor Quest.
Here is a Halfling merchant named Waizahb. She also offers the Quest called On the Fence if you ask her about her special wares.
An Air Djinn named Nazramu will be here, but you can only see him if a party member is wearing the Spectacles of Spectacle. Using a charge pulls him into the Camp, for which he'll be grateful. He then sets up his own shop that offers several unique items.
Safana will be here if she isn't in your party. Note that she can still give you The Traitor Quest if you approach here after having had the conference with Marshall Nederlok, General Stonehand and Torsin de Lancie at 21 and she isn't in your party.
Voghiln will be here as well if he isn't in your party.
Approaching this tent results in a conference with Marshall Nederlok, General Stonehand and Torsin de Lancie. They want you to find a way to somehow undermine the network of caverns underneath Dragonspear Castle. On that point Torsin suggests speaking with someone named Phossey Dugdeep. They also suggest being on the lookout for a priest named Hephernaan who has the ear of Caelar Argent.
You can also ask Jegg to make an armor for M'Khiin if she's in the party, but only if you had previously completed The Creeping Darkness Quest (see below). Jegg can then make Jegg's Leathers.
Thaird will be here, providing innkeeper services.
Here is Malden Col, who is the traitor that Safana becomes determined to uncover as part of her personal Quest, The Traitor.
He also has a Seal of Caelar, which can be pickpocketed by a Thief who has a lot of Pickpocketing skill points. If you manage to get it from him, it may make things easier in other parts of the game. If you want to get it from him, you'll need to do so before uncovering him as The Traitor.
Torsin de Lancie and Phossey Dugdeep will be here after the conference. They'll give you two items that are relevant to the Important Events Quest. One is the Barrel of Bwoosh! which is intended to blow a hole in the caverns beneath Dragonspear Castle. The other is a Stone Dowser, which is meant to guide you to the best spot to plant the Barrel of Bwoosh!.
Phossey will take her leave. Torsin will want to give you an additional item, the Poison of Terror that is intended to weaken the troops of the Crusade. Whether you accept it is up to you. It helps complete the Important Events Quest but is not strictly necessary.
After the conference you will find Sergeant Wilch here trying to bar entry to a Gnome merchant named Wilhelmina. Wilhelmina offers to sell you Wilhelmina's Miracle Turnip Juice. If Neera is in the party then she'll buy it on the spot in pursuit of her personal Quest, The Call of the Wild Mage. If she isn't in the party, you can always buy it from Wilhelmina and then give it to Neera later.
It's up to you whether you persuade Sergeant Wilch to allow Wilhelmina into the Camp, and it won't really matter. Wilhelmina will disappear for good afterwards.
Rhynwis may be here as part of the Den Of Thieves Quest.
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