The goal is to help Hyreth understand the teachings of Ilmater in proper context and accept healing.
Speak to Hyreth at 26 in the Coalition Camp. He's wounded and wants to remain so, convinced that Ilmater wants him to continue to remain so. There are multiple ways to convince him to accept healing. They all first require a little initial dialogue that asks him about his beliefs in Ilmater:
Cast a healing spell on him without his permission.
A Hero of Baldur's Gate with 15 Charisma or more can convince him to accept healing if the Bhaalspawn accepts an injury in his place. Glint will be able to convince Hyreth to accept that proposition if you confer with Glint after asking Hyreth about Ilmater's teachings. You then have permission to heal him, either by having any party member who can cast a healing spell on him, or giving him a Potion of Healing or a Potion of Extra Healing.
A Hero of Baldur's Gate with 15 Charisma or more can convince him that it's contrary to Ilmater's teachings to remain wounded. Viconia can convince Hyreth of that if you confer with her after asking Hyreth about Ilmater's teachings. You then have permission to heal him.
A Hero of Baldur's Gate who is either a Blackguard or a Half-Orc and has at least 16 Strength can threaten Hyreth into accepting healing. You then have permission to heal him.
You can convince Dosia to heal him, but only if you completed The Uncommon Cold Quest beforehand.
Your rewards will vary depending on your pathway.
If you convinced Hyreth to accept an injury to yourself in his place, or convinced him to accept healing from you personally, and either you or a party member cast a healing spell on him, then you get 6,000xp and 2 random gems and a random wand.
If you convinced Hyreth to accept an injury to yourself in your place, or convinced him to accept healing from you personally, and you give him either a Potion of Healing or a Potion of Extra Healing, then he'll throw in 5 Elixirs of Health in addition to the other rewards.
If you convinced Dosia to heal him then you only get the 6,000xp.
If you healed him without his permission then you only get the 6,000xp and a -1 loss of Reputation.
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"Traveling with an angered cambion might almost be more interesting than the time I'm spending with you, I would imagine." -Haer'Dalis, Baldur's Gate II