Deneld wants you to learn more about the Crusade by speaking to some of its members.
Speak to Deneld at 28 in the courtyard of Dragonspear Castle while wearing a Crusader Uniform. He'll remark that you're new and wonder out loud how much you really know about the cause of the Crusade. He'll find your knowledge wanting whatever answer you may give, and tells you to speak to other Crusaders in camp in order to learn more.
The individuals you need to speak to are:
Ravoc at 8 will explain that he signed up for the Crusade in order to take revenge against Devils who killed members of his Orc tribe.
Tristian at 10 will explain that he was initially conscripted into the Crusade, but embraced faith in Caelar in the belief that Caelar can take on the very Hells themselves.
Zare at 19 is so obviously overwhelmed with admiration and devotion to Caelar.
Start off with Sindret at 30 by asking her about being a Troll handler. You can then ask her for her reasons for joining the Crusade. She started off wanting to learn more about her faith in Sheverash, but has since come to appreciate Caelar as a powerful and charismatic leader in her own right.
Speak to Deneld again, who will ask you a series of questions. The correct answer will always be dialogue option #1 as long as you spoke to enough of the above individuals to learn their motivations for joining the Crusade.
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