The goal is to help a Dwarf named Helvdar get a lucky new pair of boots.
Speak to Helvdar at 4 in the Coalition Camp. He'd like you to find the leather from a bear in Dead Man's Pass, bring it to Belegarm, and have it fashioned into new boots for him.
Travel to the Dead Man's Pass, where you will start off at 1. Go north, fighting plenty of other monsters along the way, and a Cave Bear will attack you at 20. It leaves behind the Fine Bearskin.
Belegarm is certainly willing to do that, and indicates that it will take a day. He'll also give you the Ordinary Boots to give to Helvdar which in his opinion will do just as well. 24 hours later and he'll have the Lucky Boots ready for you.
You can in the meantime try to pass off the Ordinary Boots to Helvdar as the real thing that he wants. You'll get the same rewards as if you actually gave him the Lucky Boots if you make a Charisma check of at least 16. Failing that Charisma check will result in no reward, and Helvdar promising to badmouth you to whoever listens to him, which means a -1 loss of Reputation. All things considered, unless you're playing a Dwarf as the Hero of Baldur's Gate, it's probably better and more straightforward to just give him the Lucky Boots.
Waiting 24 hours and obtaining the Lucky Boots, but telling Helvdar that you're keeping them, will likewise lead to no rewards and a -1 loss of Reputation.
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