A pair of Sahuagin are getting in the way of the Crusade being able to transport its food supplies. The question becomes what to do about it.
Speak to Ladle at 5 in the Underground River. He ndicates that a pair of Sahuagin are impeding the ability of the Crusaders to move food supplies into Dragonspear Castle, although he seems indifferent to whether or not they continue to be an obstacle.
Gurgle and Floss will be in the cave at 7. There are multiple possibilities:
You can attack them. A few nearby Crusaders will help you out. You can get 2,000xp for each of them, but only so long as it's a party member that lands the killing blow. They'll leave behind Bolts of Biting if you kill them.
You can trick them by telling them that powerful people are coming to kill them. They'll leave south through the door, only to get attacked by the Crusaders. And again you won't get an xp reward if you don't land the killing blows.
You can tell them the as of yet unfinished story of Caelar and how she tried to kill the Hero of Baldur's Gate, which convinces them to leave but earns the party 1,000xp.
You can tell them the story of how you defeated Sarevok, and then threaten them by pointing out that you're the killer of Sarevok. They'll leave and the party gets 7,500xp. The Hero of Baldur's Gate must have either a Strength greater than 13, or a Charisma less than 10.
You can tell them the story of how you defeated Sarevok, but without threatening them. They'll like the story so much they'll give you the Wand of Water Elemental Summoning, but no xp reward, and leave.
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