D&D PnP Books (Page 1/3)

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Core Products
Dungeons & Dragons For Dummies
by Slavicsek, Baker, Mohan
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Dungeons and Dragons Basic Game (3.5e)
by Jonathan Tweet
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Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Dungeons and Dragons Adventure Game (3e)
by Tweet, Carl, Collis, Noonan
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Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Player's Handbook (3.5e)
by Wizards of the Coast
Read the reviews and/or buy it at
Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
(Old 3e: Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk )
Special Edition Player's Handbook (3.5e)
by Wizards of the Coast
Read the reviews and/or buy it at
Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Dungeon Master's Guide (3.5e)
by Monte Cook
Read the reviews and/or buy it at
Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
(Old 3e: Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk )
Special Edition Dungeon Master's Guide (3.5e)
by Monte Cook
Read the reviews and/or buy it at
Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Dungeon Master's Guide II
by Wizards of the Coast
Read the reviews and/or buy it at
Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Monster Manual (3.5e)
by Skip Williams
Read the reviews and/or buy it at
Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
(Old 3e: Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk )
Core Rulebook Gift Set (3.5e)
by Wizards of the Coast
Read the reviews and/or buy it at
Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Monster Manual II
by Grubb, Redman, Winter, Bonny
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Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Monster Manual III
by Wizards of the Coast
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Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerun
by Heinsoo & Wyatt
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Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Spell Compendium
by Sernett, McArtor, Grubb
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by Skip Williams
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Living Greyhawk Gazetteer
by Roger E. Moore
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Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Dragon Magazine Subscription
by Paizo Publishing Llc
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Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk | Amazon.de
Dungeon Magazine Subscription
by Paizo Publishing Llc
Read the reviews and/or buy it at
Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk | Amazon.de
Official Roleplaying Soundtrack
by Midnight Syndicate
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Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk | Amazon.de
Fantastic Locations Series
Fane of the Drow
by Kestrel, Heinsoo
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Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Hellspike Prison
by Sernett, Heinsoo
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Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures
Miniatures Handbook
by Donais, Elias, Heinsoo, Tweet

Read an excerpt
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Starter Set
by Wizards of the Coast
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Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Entry Pack
by Wizards of the Coast
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Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Harbinger Expansion Pack
by Wizards of the Coast
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Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Dragoneye Expansion Pack
by Wizards of the Coast
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Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Archfiends Expansion Pack
by Wizards of the Coast
Read the reviews and/or buy it at
Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Giants of Legend Huge Pack
by Wizards of the Coast
Read the reviews and/or buy it at
Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Aberrations Booster Pack
by Wizards of the Coast
Read the reviews and/or buy it at
Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Deathknell Booster Pack
by Wizards of the Coast
Read the reviews and/or buy it at
Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Angelfire Booster Pack
by Wizards of the Coast
Read the reviews and/or buy it at
Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
War Drums Booster Pack
by Wizards of the Coast
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Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
by Wizards of the Coast
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Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Heroes II
by Wizards of the Coast
Read the reviews and/or buy it at
Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Heroes III
by Wizards of the Coast
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Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
by Wizards of the Coast
Read the reviews and/or buy it at
Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Monsters II
by Wizards of the Coast
Read the reviews and/or buy it at
Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Official D&D Adventures
Into the Dragon's Lair
by Reynolds, Miller
Read the reviews and/or buy it at
Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Pool of Radiance: Attack on Myth Drannor
by Carnes, Reynolds
Read the reviews and/or buy it at
Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
The Sunless Citadel
by Monte Cook
Read the reviews and/or buy it at
Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
The Forge of Fury
by Richard Baker
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Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
The Speaker in Dreams
by James Wyatt
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Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
The Standing Stone
by John D. Rateliff
Read the reviews and/or buy it at
Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil
by Monte Cook
Read the reviews and/or buy it at
Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Heart of Nightfang Spire
by Bruce R. Cordell
Read the reviews and/or buy it at
Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Deep Horizon
by Skip Williams
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Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Lord of the Iron Fortress
by Andy Collins
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Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Bastion of Broken Souls
by Bruce R. Cordell
Read the reviews and/or buy it at
Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Ghostwalk: Campaign Option
by Monte Cook, Sean K. Reynolds
Read the reviews and/or buy it at
Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk
Red Hand of Doom
by James Jacobs, Richard Baker
Read the reviews and/or buy it at
Amazon.com | Amazon.ca | Amazon.co.uk

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