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Siege of Dragonspear Online Walkthrough by Beren


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Quests: Main Quests | Character Quests | Prologue | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13

Chapter 7 Quests
Recruitment Drive | The War At Home | The Fist Restrained | All The Way To The Bank | Refuge For The Refugees | Corpse Disposal | The Dry Crier | Bar Fight | Meeting Of The Minds | WHAT? GET OUT! | Rabble-Rousers | Days Of Wine And Stealing | The Sorcerous Caper | Thief Among The Refugees | Shakedown In Shantytown | Back On The Street


Some of your old companions from your campaign against Sarevok will have moved on. But others are ready to join you against the Crusade.

Ducal Palace, Level One

  1. Speak to Corwin who will be at the door at 18 in the first level of the Ducal Palace. She'll indicate that some of your former companions from BG1 remain within Baldur's Gate, while others have left. The Quest involves catching up to those that are still in Baldur's Gate and offering them a place in your party. Some will join, and others won't. You can also ask about those that are no longer in Baldur's Gate. Step through the door.
  2. Ducal Palace, Exterior

  3. You'll now be at 26 on the map of the exterior of the Ducal Palace. Corwin will now accompany you, but she's not an actual party member just yet. You need to at least speak to all of the potential companions as indicated below, even if some of them won't actually join your party. Exits from the Ducal Palace are at spots marked 29 and 30 to reach other parts of Baldur's Gate. The companions can be located and spoken to in any order, and not necessarily in what is shown below.
  4. Three Old Kegs Inn, Exterior

  5. Travel to the Three Old Kegs. Go through the door at 4.
  6. Three Old Kegs Inn, Level One

  7. You'll arrive at 6 in the first level of the Three Old Kegs. Go up the stairs at 11.
  8. Three Old Kegs, Second Floor

  9. You'll now be at 12 in the second level of the Three Old Kegs. Go up the stairs at 14.
  10. Three Old Kegs, Third Floor

  11. Dynaheir and Minsc will be at 17 in the third level of the Three Old Kegs. They'll either join together or not at all.
  12. Elfsong Tavern, Main Floor

  13. Travel to the Elfsong Tavern. You'll arrive at 1 just outside of it. Enter it through the door at 3.
  14. Elfsong Tavern, Main Floor

  15. That brings you to the door at 7 in the main floor of the Elfsong Tavern.

    Garrick will be at 11. He won't join you, as he's determined to win the heart of the proprietor, Lady Alyth Elendara. But just speaking to him checks him off and helps complete the Quest.

    Lady Alyth will afterwards walk up and speak to you, and give you a Potion of Agility in gratitude for being the Hero of Baldur's Gate.

    Now go up the stairs at 12.
  16. Elfsong Tavern, Upper Floor

  17. You'll now be at the stairs at 13 on the upper floor of the Elfsong Tavern.

    You will overhear an argument when you first come up between Coran and Safana. Coran will then come and talk to you. He won't join you, but just talking to him is enough to help complete the Quest. He'll give you a Water Opal if you spoke to him as if you were prior acquaintances.

  18. Safana will be at 15 and ready to join you.
  19. Iron Throne, Exterior

  20. Travel to the Iron Throne Headquarters. You'll arrive at 1 just outside of it. Enter it through the door at 4.
  21. Iron Throne, Main Floor

  22. That brings you to the door at 6 in the main floor of the Iron Throne Headquarters.

    Rasaad will be at 8. He won't join you as he's concerned that a significant number of worshippers of Selune have gone missing, and he feels duty bound to find out why. But likewise just speaking to him checks him off and helps complete the Quest.
  23. Flaming Fist, Exterior

  24. Travel to the Flaming Fist Headquarters. You'll arrive at 1 just outside of it. Enter it through the door at 4.
  25. Flaming Fist, Main Floor

  26. That brings you to the door at 5 inside the Flaming Fist Headquarters.

    Tiax will be in a cell at 8. It becomes apparent he's too insane to join your party, and will decline. But speaking to him helps progress the Quest.

  27. Speaking to all of the above individuals and at least trying to recruit them completes the Quest and earns a reward of 1,000xp.
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