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Siege of Dragonspear Online Walkthrough by Beren


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Quests: Main Quests | Character Quests | Prologue | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13

Chapter 7 Quests
Recruitment Drive | The War At Home | The Fist Restrained | All The Way To The Bank | Refuge For The Refugees | Corpse Disposal | The Dry Crier | Bar Fight | Meeting Of The Minds | WHAT? GET OUT! | Rabble-Rousers | Days Of Wine And Stealing | The Sorcerous Caper | Thief Among The Refugees | Shakedown In Shantytown | Back On The Street


Sarevok may be dead, but a few of his former servants remain. No rest for the wicked.

Ducal Palace, Basement

  1. Korlasz will be in a cell at 22 of the Basement of the Ducal Palace if you previously convinced her to turn herself in instead of killing her during the Prologue. She'll break out of her cell if you approach it, and force you to kill her. Flaming Fist Enforcers will help you out against her. If you afterwards ask the Enforcers if Korlasz was acting alone, one of them will indicate that a Doppleganger who had been serving her was also arrested and is in one of the holding cells. That opens up a greater number of possibilities for purposes of this Quest.

  2. The doppleganger, appearing as a Flaming Fist officer, will be in the cell at 23. He will beg you to free him as you approach the cell.

  3. If you did not kill Korlasz at 22 because you already killed her beforehand, or if you did kill her but did not ask the Flaming Fist Officers about whether Korlasz was acting alone, or if you did ask that question but your Hero of Baldur's Gate has an Intelligence of 6 or less, then you won't have the knowledge that he's a Doppleganger during the conversation. Your dialogue choices will then be limited to either leaving him in his cell or freeing him. You can ask for a 150gp reward for freeing him. The door to his cell can be opened either by a Thief with a good enough Locks skill or the Cell Key from the table at 21. But freeing him, even if you were promised a reward, only results in him saying he's too pressed for time and then running off. The Quest will conclude without any rewards.

  4. If you did ascertain that he's a Doppleganger by asking the Flaming Fist Enforcers whether Korlasz had help and your Hero of Baldur's Gate has an Intelligence higher than 6, you'll be able to tell him that the Flaming Fist already told you they had a Doppleganger in his cell. The Doppleganger will realize his cover has been blown, and turns to offering a reward for his escape. You can either leave him to rot in his cell, which leaves the Quest unconcluded. And again the door to his cell can be opened either by a Thief with a good enough Locks skill or the Cell Key from the table at 21. One option is to free him but attack him or tell him you're going to leave him in his cell, which also leads to fight.

  5. You can take him up on his offer, at which point he'll tell you to meet him in the basement of the Iron Throne where he has a valuable cache.
  6. Iron Throne, Exterior

  7. Travel to the Iron Throne Headquarters. You'll arrive at 1 just outside of it. Enter it through the door at 4.
  8. Iron Throne, Main Floor

  9. That brings you to the door at 6 in the main floor of the Iron Throne Headquarters.

    Go down the stairs at 10.
  10. Iron Throne, Basement

  11. The Doppleganger, still disguised as a Flaming Fist Officer, will now be 12. Speak to him and he will now give you three random Potions, a random Wand and 250gp.

    If you kill him here, he'll drop those items plus the Stalker's Gauntlets. You'll also get 700xp for defeating him.
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