Someone is suffering from post-war trauma. Can you help him out of it?
Jospil will wander around at random on the first level of the Ducal Palace. He'll dismiss you the first time you try to speak to him.
Speaking to him a second time is an opportunity to cheer him up, and get some reward from him. There's three lines of questions you can ask him, and replies you can make to raise his morale. Reliable pathways to succeed are the question "Where are reports coming from?" followed by "Such thoughts help no one. Pull yourself together.", the question "Who is responsible?" followed by "Changing the minds of those with a cause isn't easy, but I intend to save as many souls as I can.", and the option "Dwelling on it keeps you from taking action here. Honor them by not giving in to despair!".
You can only get these rewards during the second conversation. Subsequent attempts to speak to him will not afford the opportunity. Also, even within the second conversation itself, you can only ask each of the three questions once. If you ask it, and then provide a follow up that does not increase his esteem for you, that's what you're stuck with. You can ask the question again, but any replies that could increase his morale will no longer be available.
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