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Siege of Dragonspear Online Walkthrough by Beren


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Quests: Main Quests | Character Quests | Prologue | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13

Main Quests
Important Events | Disturbing Implications | Sarevok's Secret | My Missed Fortune | Skie's Grand Plan | It Wasn't Me | Zaviak's Vision Quest


Caelar is not your only cause for concern. You will frequently encounter a mysterious Hooded Man during your travels, and he takes an interest in how willing you are to embrace the power of your lineage. To what extent you listen to him, and how you conduct yourself throughout the game, has implications for how you are viewed by the people of Baldur's Gate and whether they are willing to let leave of your own volition.

Ducal Palace, Level One

  1. Corwin will follow you around Baldur's Gate during Chapter 7. She'll be right on your heels as you explore outdoor areas of the city, but will remain at the door whenever you enter any indoor areas.

    Making enough progress through Chapter 7 means either making enough progress with the Recruitment Drive Quest by speaking to enough candidates for your party, or having all of Dynaheir and Minsc and Safana in your party. Corwin will at some point drop a hint that you should set out soon for Dragonspear Castle. If you've done all you can or want to do in Baldur's Gate, including any side quests, then return to the door at 18 in Level One of the Ducal Palace. Speak to Corwin again and tell her you're ready to march to Dragonspear. She'll indicate that you should speak to Imoen (who's still resting on the bed at 1) and rest up before setting off.

    Go up the stairs at one of the points marked 12.
  2. Ducal Palace, Level Two

  3. You'll now be at one of the points marked 11 in Level Two of the Ducal Palace. Go up the stairs at one on the points marked 6.
  4. Ducal Palace, Level Three

  5. You'll come to one of the points marked 5 in Level Three of the Ducal Palace. Returning to Level Three will result in your first encounter with the Hooded Man, who indicates that he will be watching your progress and evaluating you. This encounter starts the Quest.
  6. Boareskyr Bridge

  7. A focus for Chapter 9 is how to resolve the siege of Bridgefort near Boareskyr Bridge, whether you convince the defenders of Bridgefort to attack the Crusaders or to surrender Bridgefort to the Crusaders. Details for various pathways for bringing about either the surrender of Bridgefort or driving off the Crusaders are provided in the Quest pages for Down With The Drawbridge, The Desperate Defenders and The Battle For Bridgefort.

  8. Make your way to the middle of the Crusader camp, near 10, where you will be greeted by members of the Flaming Fist including Bence Duncan and Skie. You will next be informed by a Flaming Fist Battlemage that the Crusade is setting up explosive barrels at 31 on the bridge.

    You will be urged to hurry, but in fact there's no rush to reach the bridge. You can do as you please, even go to other areas, and attempt to prevent the destruction of the bridge when you're ready for it.

    It is only when you approach the Crusaders and their barrels at 31 that a clock starts to run, and even then it's a pretty generous clock. A Mage will open a portal to the Elemental Plane of Fire, and teleport herself and several Crusade soldiers away. The portal will bring in creatures like Fire Elementals and Fire Salamanders and Fire Mephits. Your goal is to kill them and prevent them from igniting the explosive barrels until the portal closes. The damage, especially from the Fire Salamanders, can add up after a while. A reliable method is for a Cleric or Druid to cast Protection from Fire spells on your warriors, and let them take out the fire creatures.

    Your game will come to an end should the fire creatures succeed in igniting the barrels. Winning the battle and closing the portal clears the way to the northwest corner of the map.

    An alternative method is to try and kill the Mage before he opens the portal. It is risky since the other Crusaders will be getting in a lot of free shots on your party, but it also means that the creatures from the Elemental Plane of Fire will not be summoned. The barrels will still form a solid line across the bridge, and you can't get across it. All you need to do is inform Bence Duncan near 10 and some of the barrels will be cleared out of your way.

  9. You will have a vision of Bhaal's death at the hands of Cyric once you reach 32. An image of Bhaal's holy symbol, a skull surrounded by flickers of flame, will also be burnt into the bridge itself. The Hooded Man will then arrive and have another discussion with you. This event progresses the Quest.
  10. Underground River

  11. You will end up traveling to the Underground River during Chapter 10. Whichever side you approach the point at 12 in the river from, the Hooded Man will appear on the opposite bank to start a conversation with you. He'll express disappointment with you meandering in the Underground instead of forcing a direct confrontation with Caelar in Dragonspear Castle itself. However, he will start to feel a healthy respect for you if you express a desire for acquiring greater power.
  12. Dragonspear Castle, Attack on the Courtyard

  13. Chapter 11 will involve large scale battles against the Crusade in the courtyard of Dragonspear Castle. Sufficient progress requires defeating all Crusader forces at 9, Ashatiel at 11 or 12 and the forces led by Alexandria at 20.

    Approach the gate at 22 after that. Caelar will now appear at the top of the gate to make a last plea to join her. All available dialogue options will amount to a rejection of her offer, and she'll teleport away. Phossey Dugdeep will show with another Barrel of Bwoosh! to blow this gate open too.

    Torsin de Lancie will be at 23. He'll indicate that the entrance to Dragonspear Castle itself is through its roof, and issue orders to pursue Caelar inside the keep itself. The entrance to the Main Hall of Dragonspear Castle is at 25.

    But it is also at this point that you can now rest. And you will get another dream with the Hooded Man, but one that also provides a clue as to Caelar's backstory and motivations.
  14. Dragonspear Castle, Main Hall

  15. You will arrive at 1. All that is necessary is to reach the stairs at 11 to descend to the basement of Dragonspear Castle.

    There is however another point that may be potentially relevant. Skie will be at the desk at 10 if you did not complete the Skie's Gone Missing Quest. She'll indicate that the Hooded Man rescued her from the Crusaders who were accosting her.
  16. Dragonspear Castle, Basement Portal

  17. The party will return to the portal at 1 in the basement of Dragonspear Castle during Chapter 12 following the defeat of Belhifet. Use the Dragonspear Vault Key to open the door at 2. Bence Duncan, Torsin de Lancie and numerous other members of the Coalition will welcome you as a hero and look forward to celebrating.

    Speak to Sergeant Drazzo at 3, which leads to a return to the main hall of Dragonspear Castle. The Hooded Man appears along with Skie Silvershield while you are asleep. He transforms her into an Unknowable Horror that attacks you. You only need to damage the Horror once, which results in Skie's death. Bence Duncan arrives and accuses you of murdering Skie. Speak to Bence Duncan again and he will arrest you for the murder.

    That concludes the Important Events and Skie's Grand Plan Quests. It also starts the Quest called It Wasn't Me.

  18. You'll be brought back to Baldur's Gate, paraded past the Sorcerous Sundries, and then brought before an angry crowd on a platform in front of the Flaming Fist Headquarters. Duke Belt will question you, and at one point you'll have dialogue options based on your past actions. The dialogue options are recognized as either Heroic Deeds or Villainous Deeds. Choose any of them and Duke Belt will remark "As noted", and you can subsequently choose from any of the remaining dialogue options that you didn't choose previously. You can choose a total of four dialogue options that Duke Belt will note, or you can choose less than four by at any point telling him you have nothing more to say.

    The following options count as Heroic Deeds: The following count as Villainous Deeds:
    You will be thrown into a cell inside the Flaming Fist once the dialogue is finished.
  19. Escape from the Flaming Fist, Cells

  20. You start off imprisoned in the cell at 1 in the Flaming Fist. Corwin will come by and voice her suspicions that you did indeed murder Skie as part of the It Wasn't Me Quest.

    The Hooded Man will come by, and you'll discover that it was he who murdered Skie and framed you for it. It is at this point that this Quest officially concludes.

    But your actions over the course of the game, and how you handled the public accusations by Duke Belt, will have some consequences yet.

    If you claimed either 3 Heroic Deeds or 3 Villainous deeds then Duke Belt will decide to exile you. A Flaming Fist Officer will later come to release you. If you cannot or did not claim 3 of either Heroic or Villainous Deeds then a Shadow Thief (who also gives you a Potion of Invisibility) sent by Imoen will come by in the night to release you from your cell and help you escape.

    You will have a chance to grab your personal belongings from the table at 2 before heading down the trapdoor at 3.
  21. Escape from the Flaming Fist, Cellar

  22. And from the stairs at 4 you can go down the ladder at 5 to reach the Sewer. Where exactly you start off there depends on whether it was a Flaming Fist Officer or a Shadow Thief who broke you out.
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