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Siege of Dragonspear Online Walkthrough by Beren


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Areas: Prologue | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13

Chapter 11: Dragonspear Castle, Courtyard | Dragonspear Castle, Main Hall | Dragonspear Castle, Basement


A stop along the way as the party pursues Caelar and Hephernaan in earnest. No battles to be had here, just finding your way to the basement.

Dragonspear Castle, Main Hall

  1. This exit leads to the courtyard of Dragonspear Castle at 25.

  2. Belegarm will be here, selling the same wares as always.

  3. This chest will have 40 Arrows +3, 40 Acid Arrows and 40 Arrows of Ice.

  4. This trapped and locked chest will have 5 Potions of Extra Healing, 2 Potions of Storm Giant Strength and 2 Potions of Clarity.

  5. This trapped crate will have 5 Potions of Fire Resistance, a Potion of Magic Protection and a Potion of Magic Shielding.

  6. This chest is supposed to have the gold that Ophyllis misplaced as part of the Quest called My Missed Fortune, along with a Note from Ophyllis. There is a bug whereby in some playthroughs neither will be in the chest.

  7. This shelf has a Scroll of Enchanted Weapon, a Scroll of Protection from Fire and a Scroll of Resist Fear.

  8. This table will have a book called Faces of Evil: Volume VIII, which will shed some insight on who your true enemies during the last chapters will be.

  9. This shelf has a Scroll of Chaotic Commands, a Scroll of Free Action, a Scroll of Protection from Fire (Green) and a Scroll of Protection from Poison (Green).

  10. This desk will have a Cursed Scroll of Foolishness.

    Skie will be here as well if you did not complete the Skie's Gone Missing Quest. She'll indicate that the Hooded Man rescued her from the Crusaders who were accosting her.

  11. Here are the stairs that lead to the basement of Dragonspear Castle.
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