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Siege of Dragonspear Online Walkthrough by Beren


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Quests: Main Quests | Character Quests | Prologue | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13

Main Quests: Important Events | Disturbing Implications | Sarevok's Secret | My Missed Fortune | Skie's Grand Plan | It Wasn't Me | Zaviak's Vision Quest


This Quest is not so much a main quest that needs to be completed in order to finish the game, but it overlaps with your progress through the main storyline at several points. Someone has been irresponsible with the gold you've earned over the course of our adventures.

Ducal Palace, Level Three

  1. You will have a Treasury Note in your inventory when you wake on the bed at 1 to start Chapter 7 on Level Three of the Ducal Palace. You will have to fight a few Assassins attacking Imoen at 3 and then go down one of the stairs at points marked 5.
  2. Ducal Palace, Level Two

  3. You will have to at least fight the Assassins at 7 on Level Two of the Ducal Palace and then go down the stairs at 11.
  4. Ducal Palace, Level One

  5. You with then have a conference with the Dukes of Baldur's Gate at 13 on Level One of the Ducal Palace. Go down the stairs at 17.
  6. Ducal Palace, Basement

  7. You will now be at 19 in the basement of the Ducal Palace. Speak with Ophyllis at 20. He admits to losing your gold savings through a misplaced bet on a dog race. He promises to get it back for you and leaves.

    Go back up the stairs at 19.
  8. Ducal Palace, Level One

  9. Step out through the door at 18.
  10. Ducal Palace, Exterior

  11. You will now be outside the Ducal Palace at 26.

    Ophyllis will approach you when you come close to one of the exits at 29. He'll tell you that he was on his way to give you your gold back, but three thugs robbed him of it. He'll also indicate that he overheard the thugs saying that they would be at the Three Old Kegs inn.

    Points marked 29 provide exits from which you can travel to other parts of Baldur's Gate.
  12. Three Old Kegs Inn, Exterior

  13. Travel to the Three Old Kegs and you'll arrive at 1. Go through the door at 4.
  14. Three Old Kegs Inn, Level One

  15. You'll arrive at 6 in the first level of the Three Old Kegs. Go up the stairs at 11.
  16. Three Old Kegs, Second Floor

  17. You'll now be at 12 in the second level of the Three Old Kegs. Go up the stairs at 11.

  18. Ozil, Hastus and Berahli will be sitting around the table at 13. Calling them out on robbing Ophyllis leads to three possibilities:

    • You can forgive them, and they'll give you a Battle Axe.
    • Tell them to turn themselves in to the Flaming Fist, which they do. That earns 750xp.
    • Kill them. One of them will leave behind a Battle Axe +1.
  19. Coast Way Crossing

  20. You'll be at 1 in the Coast Way Crossing to start Chapter 8. Corwin will be at 6 and is now a joinable NPC.

    Going to the bridge at 24 results in an encounter with several of Caelar Argent's minions. A Wizard named Jayvis will blow the bridge itself so that it becomes unpassable. You'll have to fight those that are left on your side of the river. You don't have to win. You just have to survive long enough for Caelar Argent and her right hand, Hephernaan, to arrive. You and Caelar will then have a brief discussion.

    It is after this event occurs that you can speak to Corwin and Bence Duncan at 5. They conclude that another way across the river will need to be found. Ophyllis will come after that discussion to speak to you. He'll give you a Gold Bust of yourself which you can sell. He'll also insist on continuing to try and make up his debt to you and leaves.
  21. Attack on the Coalition Camp

  22. You will have to fend off four waves of attacks by Crusaders on the Coalition Camp to conclude Chapter 11. Ophyllis will thereafter be at 11. He was on his way to bring your gold back to you, but got robbed of it by the Crusaders. They also left a sword in his chest, which he dies from after the conversation concludes. You can now loot his body for Ophyllis' Short Sword +2.
  23. Dragonspear Castle, Main Hall

  24. The chest at 6 in the main hall of Dragonspear Castle is supposed to have the gold that Ophyllis misplaced as part of the Quest along with a Note from Ophyllis. There is a bug whereby in some playthroughs neither will be in the chest.
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