The table at 18 has a Page from Sarevok's Notes. It suggests that the numbers 3, 1 and 4 may be of some importance.
You will eventually make your way to the Temple of Cyric during Chapter 9. There will be a wall with six niches at 23. Now the significance of the numbers 3 and 1 and 4 become apparent. The key is to click on the niche at the top-right corner, the niche at the top-left corner and then the niche at the bottom-left corner. That will open the door at 24.
The Shadow Aspect at 25 can be a really tough opponent. It can turn invisible and hit for quadruple backstabs multiple times. It will also use a Darkness spell whenever it can, which can Blind party members. It also has complete immunity to acid, cold, electricity and poison damage.
You can use certain cloud-type spells from off-screen, like M'Khiin's Withering Fog spells to gradually wear it down from off-screen.
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