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Pillars of Eternity 2 Video-Based Walkthrough by David Milward

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Hasongo: Neketaka | Hasongo | Lighthouse | The Lighted Path | Watershaper's Guild

Watershaper's Guild

Serpent's Crown

Audience with Queen Onekaza

I bring in Serafen, Ydwin, Rekke and Konstanten as the party members with the least xp. I then travel to Serpent's Crown.

I start off at #1. Rekke takes Overbearing Guard on his 18th level-up. It adds +50% Damage and +15 Accuracy to Disengagement Attacks. It will stack with the bonuses for Disengagement Attacks provided by One Dozen Stood. And that means enemies will be very hesitant to move away from him for fear of highly punishing Disengagement Attacks, as he gains increasing Engagement as his Health drops through One Dozen Stood.

I buy gems from Una at #3, and then go north and up the stairs and through the door at #9.

Kahanga Palace, Upper Floor

I start at #6 on the map of the upper floor of the Kahanga Palace. I go north and up the stairs at #3.

Kahanga Palace, Rooftop

I am now at #1 on the map of the Rooftop of the Kahanga Palace. Now I speak to Queen Onekaza on her throne at #4. I get 26,000+ xp for completing the Huana Quest called From the Wreckage. She wants me to investigate Mairu's unexplained absence at the Watershaper's Guild. That request starts the Huana Quest called The Shadow Under Neketaka.

Serafen takes Spell Resistance on his 18th level-up. It provides a 10% chance to avoid the effects of any spell outright.

I leave the palace the way I came, and go to the exit at #14 on the east side of Serpent's Crown.

*Evil* Audience with Queen Onekaza

I switch in Serafen, Maia, Rekke and Konstanten as the party members with the least xp.

It goes without saying that Zarathos is far ruder to the Queen, but he accepts The Shadow Under Neketaka Quest nonetheless.

Konstanten takes Bear's Fortitude on his 18th level-up. He continues to round out his defenses that will stack with his cloak.

Rekke takes Spell Resistance on his 18th level-up. A 10% chance to avoid the effects of any spell outright is always good for any character.

Maia takes Tough on her 18th level-up. More Health is likewise always a good thing for any character.

I go south to buy gems from Una, and then reassemble the core party at the exit at #1 on the map of Serpent's Crown. Ydwin takes two abilities on her 19th level-up.

One of them is Shared Nightmare. It's a passive that increases the area-of-effect for all Cipher powers in proportion to the Cipher's present Focus. Amplified Wave, Silent Scream, Phantom Foes and her Rod Blasts will have incredible areas-of-effect when she maxes out her Focus.

The other is Driving Echoes. I found the alternatives wanting. Applying two Afflictions through Chains of Haunting to a single-target is by now not really a big deal. And Death of a 1000 Cuts doesn't really seem to live up to its stated promise, and I just found myself using Distintegration anyway. Driving Echoes raises a single ally's Penetration by a whopping +8, and it can be extended endlessly by Salvation of Time.

Periki's Look

*Evil* Watershaper's Guild

I mostly show these parts from the perspective of the evil party, since they have special relevance to Tekehu. I travel to Periki's Overook, and buy crafting ingredients from Cuitztli's at #2 and then The Dark Cupboard at #3. I then enter the Watershaper's Guild at #2.

Watershaper's Guild

That brings me to the door at #1 on the map of the Watershaper's Guild. *NOTE* If I ever leave back out this door, the Dragon underneath the Guild will escape and The Shadow Under Neketaka Quest will fail.

The dead bodies of Watershapers and Nagas are strewn about the Guild. Tekehu gains four new abilities on his 19th level-up.

He automatically gains Within Ngati's Embrace, Nothing Could Touch Her as a Stormspeaker. It's the equivalent of the Druid's Weather the Storm, but as a Chanter. It can be useful when facing enemies attacks that can damage multiple party members, like Dragons, as it provides a +6 boost to Armor Ratings against those elemental attacks to all allies within its radius. It also relieves the need to select it as a Druid spell.

He also automatically gains Blast of Frost as a Watershaper. Works just like the Wizard's Blast of Frost, but it won't damage allies. Can be useful in some situations.

He takes Her Tears Fell Like Rain. It upgrades Seven Nights She Waited, so that each bolt triggers a small explosion for additional area-of-effect Freezinng Damage when the bolt first hits a target in its path.

He also takes Rusted Armor. It lowers the Armor Rating of a single target for a signicant length of time, which can make it really useful against bosses.

Eneku stands guard by the stairs at #6, and explains that the Nagas attacked the Guild from underneath. Zarathos takes The Dichotomous Soul on his 20th level-up. He himself will now enjoy the ability to summon replicas of himself without limit and subject only to having enough Wounds (which are a renewable resource).

Time to go down to the Guild Ruins.

Watershaper's Guild

Pallegina takes two abilities on her 19th level-up when the core good party reassembles. One of them is Mercy and Kindness Followed Where'er She Walked. I set her up with a Phrase Modal that alternates between this phrase and Ancient Memory. It adds +50% Healing to all healing effects during its duration. That will include all of her passive healing auras, including Ancient Memory when both phrases overlap an account of Linger. It will also include Alliria's White Flames should she use it while the Phrase is active, as well as any other healing ability that's used during the duration. It takes passive healing as a foundation for the good party to a whole new level.

It increases her Armor Rating by +1 for each 6 sec that she remains in the same spot without moving, and to a maximum of +3. That will often come into play when she's in pitched battle with either a boss or numerous enemies. It ends temporarily should she move. As a passive it will stack with all of her other Armor Rating bonuses.

Aloth also takes two abilities on his 19th level-up. They emphasize martial and weapon abilities, as between his Grimoires he has the 7th-tier spells that I want for him, including Wall of Draining.

One of them is Reaping the Whirlwind, which adds +1 Discipline.

The other is Improved Critical, which adds +10% Damage to Critical Hits.

Events otherwise proceed the same for the good party as well. One important thing to note is that you can Tekehu join you at the door at #6 of the Watershaper's Guild if he hasn't joined you yet.

Guild Ruins

*Evil* Mairu

I now start off at #1 on the map of the Guild Ruins. Some Nagas and Lesser Bog Oozes are at #2, but I outlast them with the Salvation of Time-Ancestor's Memory loop. Note that Zarathos switched over to Kapana Taga and Last Word for this fight because the Oozes are immune to Crushing Damage from his Monk fists.

Mairu is at #4, and she is dying from her wounds from battling the Nagas. She indicates that you'll need the Rod and the words to restore the Guild. She dies partway through the words she meant to impart.

But then her spirit appears nearby. Zarathos uses his Watcher powers to speak with her, and learn the words to a Watershaper prayer:

"Pitied is Ngati, Lady of Lament.
As the pearl orb of the heavens crosses her view,
Her eyes well with tears as constant as rain.
But the moon's skyward journey continues apace,
The lovers' affection as ephemeral as fingers touching."

It provides clues you'll need to complete the Quest. She then passes away for good, with the parting thought not to let it escape no matter what it says.

*Evil* Rod of the Deep Hunter

I go east and loot whatever random items I can find. A large group of Coral Nagas will be at #5, led by Zihaa. They aren't difficult to defeat. Zihaa leaves behind a Torc of Intellect and the Rod of the Deep Hunter.

The door that Mairu was referring to is at #6. I touch it with the Rod of the Deep Hunter to expose the locking mechanism. It works by dialing it so that a symbol is at the top, and then pressing that symbol. The Watershaper prayer that Mairu taught you provides the clues for the proper order, and is as follows:

Now two things will happen. One, the Rod of the Deep Hunter becomes an actual Rod that you can now use as a weapon.

The other is that the door opens and leads to #7.


The good party now goes through the door to reach #7, and encounters the Sea Dragon named Scyorielaphas. Alliria speaks to him at length, and he explains that he was betrayed and imprisoned by Periki ages ago so that his soul would empower the Watershapers of the Huana.

Alliria makes a combined Metaphysics check of 5 and History check of 4 to suggest that he can leave the piece of his soul that's been anchored to the chamber. He can go free, and the piece of his soul that remains can continue to empower the Watershapers.

He will be skeptical to begin with. Alliria makes a Diplomacy check of 2 to convince him to giver her a chance. A Bluff check of 3 or an Insight check of 3 would have worked too. I click on one of the wards at points marked #10 and make a Metaphysics check of 9 to free him. He'll burst out of the ruins and return to the sea.

The good party makes its way back to Periki's Overlook.

*Evil* Scyorielaphas

Zarathos chooses to fight the Dragon out the outset. And since he betrayed Galawain as part of his Pillars of Eternity 1 History, Galawin will now interject and announce that he's empowering the Dragon. The Dragon's breath weapon works like the Boiling Spray spell in that it can inflict Burning Damage and Push back multiple party members. He can also summon Water Whips to help him.

The Salvation of Time-Ancestor's Memory loop works here as always, but with the slight refinement in that Tekehu now adds Within Ngati's Embrace, Nothing Could Touch Her to the starting buffs in addition to Nature's Balm and Moonwell. It raises the party's Armor Rating against the dragon's breath attacks. He also tags the dragon with Rusted Armor. I otherwise manage to bring it down quickly.

I have a choice between finishing him or sparing him. I would have had two possibilities if I had chosen to spare him. One is to free him, leaving a piece of his soul behind, but without having to make any skill checks. The other is to use the Rod of the Deep Hunter to seal the wards and keep him imprisoned. Suffice to say he'll really hate you if you make the latter choice, although he can't do anything about it.

Zarathos chooses to just kill him. The dragon leaves behind 4 Sea Dragon Scales.

The evil party now leaves and returns to Periki's Overlook.

*Evil* Sea Dragon Scales

Now it's time for some item enchanting. I take stock of what I have, 4 Sea Dragon Scales, 11 Adra Ban, 9 Sapphires and 15 Rubies.

I intend to use the Sea Dragon Scales primarily for the enchantment for some of my armors from Exceptional to Superb. Three of them in fact. That leaves me with a spare one. So I use it to raise the enchantment of Zarathos' Last Word from Exceptional to Superb.

I also use a Reagent, 2 Adra Ban and 2 Emeralds to raise the enchantment for Last Word from Superb to Legendary. I also do the same for Zarathos' Kapana Taga, and for Sasha's Singing Scimitar wielded by Tekehu.

I also raise Xoti's Sickle from Superb to Legendary. I also now aid the Urgent Harvest enchantment. It increases her Action Speed when an enemy is killed near her. And with the other Action Speed buffs that she'll have in place, it will make her that much faster. For example, it makes it that much easier to sneak in a Barring Death's Door in between castings of Salvation of Time. And it will get extended in duration by castings of Salvation of Time.

I also raise Rannig's Wrath wielded by Mirke to Legendary. I also have a Mythical Adra Stone in my inventory after having spent 30 of my Berath's Blessings points on Mythical Discovery. I now use the Mythical Adra Stone to raise Rannig's Wrath from Legendary to Mythical. It might sound strange to spend my first one on the weapon of a tank with slow Recovery Time. But the rapier is an inherently Accuracy-focused weapon. And adding even more Accuracy improves the chances of landing Critical Hits, which in turn improved the chances of triggering extra attacks through either Swift Flurry or Heartbeat Drumming.

Zarathos doesn't need that, because his Monk Fists improve naturally through Power Levels. There is the question of why Ydwin's weapons were not the priority for the first Mythical Adra Stone, especially as she needs to inflict Damage to gain Focus. She needs to get her weapons to Legendary first, and getting there requires spending four rare and valuable Adra Ban on each one. My intention is to wait until I find other specific crafting ingredients that allow me to add Legendary to her weapons, but without such an expensive expenditure of Adra Ban. And I now have one Adra Ban left after enchanting the weapons of my core party members.

In the meantime, I spend 2 Peridots, 2 Pyrites and 2 Ta Ondra Taras to raise the Watershaper's Focus wielded by Ydwin from Exceptional to Superb. Enchanting two-handed weapons demands twice the cost in crafting ingredients as for single-handed weapons and armors and shields. But I have plenty of the lower-tier gems needed to upgrade from Exceptional to Superb, so I don't mind the double cost. It's going from Superb to Legendary that will demand a hefty cost in Adra Ban, so that can wait.

I use a Reagent, 2 Sapphires and 2 Rubies to raise Zarathos' Reckless Brigandine from Superb to Legendary. I do the same for the Effigy's Husk worn by Ydwin. I have a limited number of Sapphires at this point for raising the enchantment of armor from Superb to Legendary. So one of my priorities is core party members over ship combatants.

I go to the district exit to the east, switch out my core party, and switch in Eder and Aloth.

Eder acquires two abilities on his 19th level-up. One of them is Unbending Trunk. It upgrades Unbending so that 33% of Damage taken with each blow is healed over time.

He also takes Deathblows. His attacks will now enjoy a 50% bonus to Damage when they connect against targets that have two or more Afflictions. His Debilitating Strikes and Shadow Step abilities allow him to put at least two Afflictions on his targets directly if he has to, although the other ship combatants will themselves have methods of putting Afflictions on multiple targets too.

I spend 2 Peridots, 2 Pyrites and 2 Ta Ondra Taras to raise Eder's Amra from Exceptional to Superb.

I use a Sea Dragon Scale to raise Aloth's Leather Armor from Exceptional to Superb. I avoid raising it to Legendary for now, even though I could. I have a limited number of Sapphires as I previously said. So for now I prioritize armor worn by characters who participate in melee combat. So Aloth as a ranged combatant can wait until I get more crafting ingredients in the future.

I switch out Eder and Aloth, and bring in Serafen, Maia, Rekke and Konstanten.

I use another Sea Dragon Scale to raise the Sharpshooter's Garb worn by Maia from Exceptional to Superb. I also spend another Sapphire to add the Low Profile enchantment. It adds +5 Deflection vs. Ranged Weapons, and that Deflection increases by +1 for each 2 points she has in the Stealth skill. She's been adding Stealth with every level-up, and has other items that add Stealth.

I also add the Return Fire enchantment. It temporarily provides a 15% chance to convert Hits to Critical Hits if the wearer is missed by a Ranged Attack. It will trigger often in combination with Low Profile, making it a more sensible choice than the Armor Rating increases through Steel Threaded.

And again, I don't raise her armor to Legendary either, at least not yet. She's a ranged combatant, so she can wait.

I use the last Sea Dragon Scale to raise Deltro's Cage worn by Rekke from Exceptional to Superb. And as Rekke is himself a front-line warrior, and takes plenty of hits himself while wielding a two-handed weapon, I do spend the 2 Sapphires needed to upgrade Deltro's Cage from Superb to Legendary.

I have two Sapphires left. I hold onto them with a view towards upgrading an armor that I will soon find for Serafen.

Upgrading a one-handed weapon from Exceptional to Superb costs a Peridot, a Pyrite and a Ta Ondra Tara. I do that upgrade for Konstanten's Azure Blade and Lover's Embrace, as well as for Serafen's Duskfall Griffin's Blade. Those swords are interim weapons for Serafen. But like I said, I know have plenty of those lower-tier gems.

Armor and Weapons Enchantments

The good party does a similar exercise, but without any Sea Dragon Scales to work with. I have I take stock of what I have, 4 Adra Ban, 12 Sapphires and 12 Rubies.

I use 2 Sapphires and 2 Rubies top raise Eder's Desgraza Breastplate from Superb to Legendary. I'll want to save the Sapphires and Rubies for Superb-grade armors that I have yet to find.

I use the Adra Ban to raise Mirke's Fire in the Hole from Superb to Legendary, as well her Scordeo's Trophy.

As with the evil party, I don't mind spending the plentiful Pyrites and a Ta Ondra Tara on raising interim weapons from Exceptional to Superb. I raise the Watcher's Blade wielded by Alliria from Fine to Exceptional, and from Exceptional to Superb.

I go to the exit from Periki's Overlook and bring in Xoti, Serafen, Fassina and Ywdin.

I spend 2 Sapphires and 2 Rubies to raise Xoti's Fleshmender from Superb to Legendary.

I spend Pyrites and a Ta Ondra Tara to raise several weapons from Exceptional to Superb, including Xoti's Kitchen Stove, Serafen's Beza's Toothed-Blade and Min's Fortune, and Fassina's Spine of Thicket Green. I also spend Pyrites and a Ta Ondra Tara to raise the Tuotilo's Palm wielded by Ywdin from Superb to Legendary.

I kick out Xoti and Ywdin, and bring in Rekke and Konstanten.

I spend Pyrites and a Ta Ondra Tara to upgrade both the Blade of the Endless Paths and the Saru-Sichr from Exceptional to Superb. I also add the Paralytic enchantment to Saru-Sichr.

It also occurs to me that I now have a surplus of Ambers. So I now add the Devil's Due (regenerate Health on Critical Hit) and Mechanical Mind (resistance to Intellect Afflictions) to Alliria's Devil of Caroc Breastplate. I didn't want to spend any Sapphires on Heart of Bronze (resistance to Constitution Afflictions). I need them for armor upgrades when the time comes.

Konstanten takes Its Crashed Could Not Be Denied on his 18th level-up. It upgrades The Thunder Rolled Like Waves on Black Seas with an Accuracy boost. This was about enhancing an ability he has pre-selected when he first joins the party, and which he will inevitably use during ship combat.

Now I travel directly the Rooftop of the Kahanga Palace.

The Shadow Under Neketaka

Alliria speaks with Queen Onekaza, and informs her of what took place at the Watershaper's Guild. I get 14,000+ xp for completing The Shadow Under Neketaka. I also receive a major gain in positive reputation with the Huana for freeing the Sea Dragon in such a way that the power of the Watershapers was left intact.

Queen Onekaza also wants Alliria to secure an alliance with the Wahaki tribe. That conversation starts the Fruitful Alliance Quest.

I make for the exit from Serpent's Crown and reassemble the good party. I then return to my ship. The good party is now headed for Ori O Koiki, with the goal of furthering the Huana alliances and wiping out the Crookspur Slavers.

*Evil* The Shadow Under Neketaka

Zarathos is a total Jerkass to the Queen at every opportunity. The end result is completing The Shadow Under Neketaka with the xp reward, but failing the Fruitful Alliance and Taking Out The Traders Quests as well. But the evil party never had any intention of completing those.

The evil party by contrast is headed for Crookspur Island, with the intention of aiding the Slavers and undermining the Huana.

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