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Pillars of Eternity 2 Video-Based Walkthrough by David Milward

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Hasongo: Neketaka | Hasongo | Lighthouse | The Lighted Path | Watershaper's Guild

The Lighted Path



I return to Hasongo. I speak with Bearn at #25 towards the southeast corner on the map of Hasongo. He'll reveal a few things. Elafa, his mother and Eder's old flame, died a few years ago of a flu. He himself has joined a sect called the Partisans of the Lighted Path, who seem to have a rather apocalyptic interpretation of their faith to Eothas. They are led by Gaderian Bosc, and Bearn lets on that he intends to join them in their intended march alongside Eothas. I return to my ship after the conversation.

*Evil* I switch out Tekehu for Eder for purposes of fulfilling this Quest.

World Map

Awe of Death's Herald

I sail southeast from Hasongo and with a view towards returning to Neketaka. Alliria is obliged to have another conference with the gods, including Berath, Wael, Galawain, Ondra, Abydon and Rymrgand.

And again, many of the replies can be grouped into Aggressive, Sassy or Diplomatic. And they affect what kind of Death's Herald power you receive at the end of the conversation.

Possible replies the moment you're pulled into Berath's realm:

Berath says: "Tell me what you have learned." Possible replies:
Berath either lays a hand on you or comes close enough for you to smell her. Possible replies:
Wael says: "This is the first interesting thing to happen in ages, and we do so love a riddle." The reply "Yes, it's so interesting when hundreds of kith die so Eothas can take a stroll." is Sassy and earns positive with Wael.

Magran says: "But I will bear down upon Eothas with all the heat and fury of the earth... if I must." Possible replies:
Ondra says: "The death of thousands now could prevent the death of millions later." Only happens if you reforged Abydon as part of your Pillars of Eternity 1 History. Possible replies:
Berath says: "Speak with him, Watcher. Discover what it is he plans." Possible replies:
Ondra says: "Sacrifices of the few protect the futures of the many. You cannot let your petty, mortal feelings blind you to the urgency of the dilemma Eothas has thrust upon us." But only if you chose not to empower Woedica at the end of your Pillars of Eternity 1 History. Possible replies:
What Death's Herald power you get after this conversation depends on the one you had beforehand, and your dialogue choices during this conversation.

If you chose at least two Diplomatic replies, and your Diplomatic replies either exceeded or equalled the number of Sassy or Aggressive replies AND:
If you chose at least two Sassy replies, your Sassy replies exceeded the number of Diplomatic replies, your Sassy replies exceeded or equalled the number of Aggressive replies AND:
If you chose at least two Aggressive replies, and your Aggressive replies exceeded or equalled the number of Diplomatic or Sassy replies AND:
Alliria didn't base her replies on Aggressive, Diplomatic or Sassy. She went with Passionate responses and avoided Shady ones, in keeping with the preferred dispositions of being a Kind Wayfarer. She ends up with Awe of Death's Herald.

Queen Onekaza's Missive

I sail onwards and receive Queen Onekaza's Missive, inviting me to an audience before her throne.

I chase down and board a Vailian Master Captain.

I go to Neketaka at #17. I touch port first to complete repairs on my ship. It is afterwards that I chase down and board a Deadfire Merchant Ship, which replenishes my supplies.

I thereafter board a Vailian Expert Captain and then dock at Neketaka.


I sell my excess loot and then travel directly to the Temple of Gaun.

Temple of Gaun

That brings me to #1 on the map of the Temple of Gaun. I speak to a Priestess of Gaun named Ogne, who is now at #2. She's a member of the Partisans, and indicates that the Vanguard plan to join Eothas by literally sailing out to him.

Alliria broaches the subject of joining the Vanguard with her. She then follows up with a Diplomacy check, which causes Ogne to reveal that a Vanguard ship is soon to set sail in pursuit of Eothas. A Bluff or a Religion check of 7 would have worked as well.

If you don't make any of the skill checks, Ogne will be closed off to accepting you into the Vanguard. Eder will let on that he's worried about Bearn not being in his right mind. If you leave The Sacred Stair after that, you'll get attacked by Ogne and a few followers. She'll leave behind the Crumpled Itinerary, which reveals that the ship will soon leave Neketaka.

I leave out the door at #1.

The Sacred Stair

That brings me to the door at #22. I go up the stairs at #21 to bring myself to #20.

I go to the exit at #1, and travel to Queen's Berth.

Queen's Berth

That brings me to #18 on the map of Queen's Berth. I travel west towards the docks at #2. I make it as far as when I first encountered Pallegina at around #8. That's when Eder expresses frustration at the ship already leaving.

He'll insist on pursuing it immediately. Alliria accedes to that demand. Eder will be thankful and remain in the party. He would have left for good had I refused.

I go to #1 to return to my ship.

World Map

Gaderian Bosc

I am now at #17 on the World Map. Gaderian Bosc's ship, a slow-moving Sloop, will be within view a little north and east of Neketaka. I am easily able to catch up with it. If you take too long, everyone in the ship, Bearn included, will have committed suicide by poisoning. That will conclude the Quest with an xp reward, although Eder will obviously be very unhappy with the outcome. He'll still stay in the party though.

I have to fight a boarding battle with the crew once I catch up to the ship. That means my other companions and sidekicks who aren't in your core party, or ship crew if I hadn't recruited enough companions, will help out in the battle. I click on the hold door to go below-deck.

I am now in the hold of the ship. All of the cultists have committed suicide by poisoning except for Gaderian Bosc and Bearn. Eder is obviously determined to prevent Bearn from poisoning himself. Trying to stop him from drinking the poison involves a series of skill and / or background checks. I have at least three opportunities.

Alliria makes a Diplomacy check of 7. A Bluff check of 7 or an Insight check of 7 would have worked as well.

She next makes a second Diplomacy check of 8. A Metaphysics check of 7, a Religion check of 7, or being a Priest of Eothas would have worked too.

She next makes an Intellect check of 14. A Resolve check of 14, or having the Philosopher background would have worked as well.

Making a successful check at all three points means Alliria has talked Bearn out of ingesting the poison then and there.

If you don't make a good check on any one of them, a fourth round of possibilities comes into play. The options are an Intimidate check of 4, a Perception check of 14, having the Mercenary background, or being a Priest of Eothas. If you can make what amounts to a third successful check at this point, you will have talked Bearn out of taking the poison.

If Bearn taking the poison is still in play, Eder will then make a plea to the rest of the party to help out. Certain party members such as Aloth or Pallegina will chip in. That amounts to a successful round check. And if it amounts to three successful checks, you will have persuaded Bearn not to take the poison.

Bearn will drink the poison if after all that you still do not have three successful checks. But you can still save him through these possibilities:

Gaderian Basc proceeds to poison himself. Eder is greatly relieved and obtains the passive called Candlebearer (+5 Will).

I thereafter sail back to Neketaka.

*Evil* Gaderian Bosc

Zarathos deliberately chooses dialogue options that do not make any skill checks, and refuses any help so as to let Bearn die. This won't involve losing any reputation with Eder or cause him to leave.

Bearn's death concludes the Quest called The Lighted Path then and there, along with the 5,000+xp. Eder also gains Inner Glow (+1 Resolve) instead of Candlebearer. The evil party likewise sails back to Neketaka.

It's now time to investigate recent events at the Watershaper's Guild.

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