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Pillars of Eternity 2 Video-Based Walkthrough by David Milward

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Southern Deadfire: Southeast Deadfire | East Deadfire | Fort Deadlight | Dunnage

Southeast Deadfire

World Map

Plagued Ship

The good party begins by chasing down a Vailian Expert Captain. I start with naval combat. I turn portside, Hold Position, and then fire Grapeshot. A virtue of Haeferic's Nose is that it can take out two Crew Members on a Hit, and four Crew Members on a Raking Hit. I charge and board after taking out four Crew Members, as the boarding battle will be easier. A strategy that I employed was for the core party to hold off the onslaught, but for Pallegina's Wurms to fire away at an enemy Crew Member who was holding up my ship combatants. And especially if that enemy Crew Member was a squishy Priest or Cipher. The idea is that my ship combatants will eventually regroup with my core party, coming together as a unified fighting force that can overwhelm the remaining enemy Crew Members one by one.

I sail southeast until I reach a Plagued Ship at #22. Alliria goes the Benevolent route and tries to help the sick crew. It involves a -5 loss of Morale, and spending 5 Medicine. But I accept the Boots of Stability that the sick crew offered. Aloth wears them for the rest of the game. The +5 bonus to Fortitude falls in with the theme of maximizing his Defenses to the greatest extent possible. There is the drawback of +25% duration of Dexterity Afflictions, but I have ways to manage that.

*Evil* Plagued Ship

I sail southeast, and decide to board a Crookspur Captain. The battle can be tough for lower-level parties. The Slavers packing Great Swords can hit hard, and the Weather Wizards cast damaging spells with abandon. But Ydwin uses Puppet Master to great effect on one of the Great Sword-wielding Slavers, and more than once. Tekehu blankets the thickest part of the fight with Chill Fog. It is once I get rid of the Great Sword-wielding Slavers that the battle takes care of itself.

I sail to the Plagued Ship afterwards. Zarathos doesn't abandon the ship, since that would lose reputation with Tekehu. I instead board and pillage it, which earns Aggressive and Cruel disposition. I hold onto the Boots of Stability for Rekke. The +5 bonus to Fortitude is helpful for any character. But in this instance it's a combination of having other boots in mind for other characters, and that Rekke will be recruited very soon that informs this decision.

Derelict Ship

I sail northeast a little and attack a Crookspur Captain. The other ship had the initiative, so it decides to close in. I turned starboard, fired a Grapeshot volley with my portside cannons to take out at least one Crew Member, and then let the boarding happen. My healing resources let me outlast them.

I sail south and then southeast once I'm past the storm, until I reach the Derelict Ship at #21. Alliria decides to board the ship, and blast the hatch open with a Fireball spell. She finds a Physicker's Belt, which Pallegina wears for the rest of the game. It will add a +2 bonus to her Alchemy skill, which she is already specializing in. The real point is the +10% bonus to Healing. That bonus will apply to all of her healing powers, including Lay on Hands, Ancient Memory, Exalted Endurance, as well as the healing provided by several of her items.

*Evil* Derelict Ship

Xoti gets the Physicker's Belt in the evil party. It's a logical choice as it will increase the power of healing spells, especially in conjunction with other items and passive abilities that also increase her healing.

*Evil* Lord Darryn's Voulge

I start off by boarding and defeating another Crookspur Captain.

Now I steer around a storm at #19, and land on the island at #20. I collect some food and drink along the way.

There's a beached Galleon at the southeast end of the island. It will have a Soulbound Pollaxe called Lord Darryn's Voulge. I reload until I get both the Voulge and "471 Golden Suoles", which means 4,000+ cp, from the ship.

I hold onto Lord Darryn's Voulge for Rekke. The weapon can be a good "stat stick" for a Druid, as it will add +3 Storm Power Levels. But its real power is its ability on Hit to apply a dormant static charge effect on its target. The static charge won't damage the target right away. But each hit on the target will stack additional charges. It's not until the target is Critically Hit that all the charges detonate, and each causes stacking Shocking Damage to the target that has accumulated them. It might not be a big deal if it only affected single targets, since that would only be meaningful for bosses. But the Barbarian's Carnage power will put static charges on any targets affected by it. That makes it a weapon of choice for Barbarians, as they can build up static charges on multiple targets through Carnage, and then detonate them to devastating effect with a Critical Hit. And Rekke will be able to spread that electric-Carnage love even more once he acquires Mob Stance through the Fighter part of his multi-class.

Gulskin Sails

I realized I had some weapons and armors from previous fights that would be upgrades for my companions. Alliria equips an Exceptional Wand in the off-hand of her secondary weapon set. Aloth equips an Exceptional Breastplate.

Xoti equips an Exceptional Leather Armor.

Ydwin equips an Exceptional Breastplate as well. I keep another Exceptional Breastplate for when a future companion joins as well.

Serafen equips a Fine Plate Armor, as does Pallegina. I stow another Fine Plate Armor for when the next companion joins.

I sail eastwards until I reach Splintered Reef at #26 on the World Map. I don't enter it. I simply conduct a transaction with their supply store. I sell them my excess loot, and purchase Gulskin Sails. The ship build is not at all about sailing fast during naval combat. It's about maximizing its ability to withstand punishment by adding as much Hull Health and Sail Health as I can. The Gulskin Sails add +30 Sail Health, but at the cost of -5m Combat Speed.

*Evil* Dragonwing Sails

Zarathos purchases the Dragonwing Sails. It better fits his Dhow build, and also allows him the option of using his own ship during the Principi pathway during the final Quests.

Now it's time to explore the eastern Deadfire, in search of Bounties.

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