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Pillars of Eternity 2 Online Walkthrough by David Milward

Quests | Areas | Mega Bosses
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Main Game: Main Quests | Character Quests | Side Quests | Tasks | Bounties
Faction Quests: Huana | Principi | Royal Deadfire Company | Vailian Trading Company
Expansions: Beast of Winter | Forgotten Sanctum | Seeker, Slayer, Survivor

Side Quests: Helping Hands | Lost Dues in Good Faith | Mapping the Archipelago: Port Maje | Mapping the Archipelago: Tikawara | Mapping the Archipelago: West Wakara Reef | Mapping the Archipelago: The Burning Shoals | Mapping the Archipelago: Razai Passage | A Bigger Fish | A Sinking Feeling | Family Pride | The Archmage's Vault | Bekarna's Folly | Food for Thought | Harsh Medicine | The Cornett's Call | Eulogy for the Dead | Broodmother's Fury | The Storms of Poko Kohara | Hunting Season | Cruel Cargo | Tip of the Spear | Nemnok the Devourer | The Final Voyage | A Paradise of the Mind

The Archmage's Vault

Periki's Look

  1. A member of the Royal Deadfire Company, Tumara, and a member of the Huana, Netehe, will be in argument with each other at #10 on the map of Periki's Overlook.

    The subject of their argument is their competing claims to a tablet called the Harapo Epic, and apparently in the possession of the Archmage named Arkemyr. The dialogue presents an opportunity to gain a little bit of positive reputation with the Huana by recognizing its value to Huana culture. You can then choose either Tumara or Netehe for follow up questions once they've had enough of each other. The dialogue itself triggers the quest.

    It becomes a matter of getting into Arkemyr's Vault inside his Manor. There's a few ways, and all of them start with The Dark Cupboard, the entrance to which is at #3 on the map of Periki's Overlook.
  2. The Dark Cupboard, Level 1

  3. The safest and longest way begins by taking the stairs at #9 on the map of The Dark Cupboard, leading to the Living Quarters.

    The Dark Cupboard, Living Quarters

    You'll end up at #10 on the map of the Living Quarters. Click on the window at #12 to start a scripted interaction. Spending a Rope and Grappling Hook and having anyone make an Athletics check of 3 will get you across and near the door at #5 on the map of Periki's Overlook.

    Periki's Look

    First go to the door at #7, both to avoid the Ironclad Construct that patrols between #5 and #6, and to reach the door at #8. Go through the door at #9.

    Arkemyr's Bedroom

    You'll start at #1 on the map of Bedroom.

    Find Arkemyr's Old Robes in the armoire at #3. Having your Watcher character wearing it will prevent any of the Ironclad Constructs from attacking you.

    But by itself it's not enough for the Imps, who could blow your cover. Find Arkemyr's Notes in the desk at #4. It provides a clue that can prevent the Imps from attacking you and sounding the alarm.

    Go back the way you came, and now go through the door at #5 on the map of Periki's Overlook.

    Arkemyr's Manor, Upper Floor

    You'll now be at #1 on the map of the Upper Floor of Arkemyr's Manor. An Imp named Yellow-Eye Three will be at #2. He carries the Translucent Crystal, which is an item that is potentially helpful to opening the Vault. It can help open the Vault without the need to make a Mechanics check.

    If you can't convince him that you're not an intruder, he'll sound the alarm to turn the whole Manor hostile against you and then attack along with several other Imps.

    One way to convince him is to approach him while wearing Arkemyr's Old Robes and give him the "cider and cheese" password from Arkemyr's Notes to convince him that you actually are Arkemyr. He'll then gladly hand over the Translucent Crystal on your request. Using the password as a lie earns Shady disposition.

    Even without the Robes and password, it's possible to settle him down and get the Translucent Crystal. It requires either a Bluff check of 8 or a Diplomacy check of 9 as a lead off. A Bluff check of 2, or a combined Arcana check of 2 and Streetwise check of 3 are possible as follow ups, but they won't convince him. The two follow ups that work are either to pay him 500cp, or make an Intimidate check of 4 and then any dialogue option that follows after that.

    The stairs to the level below are at #3.

    Arkemyr's Manor, Main Floor

    You would end up at #4 on the map of the Main Floor of Arkemyr's Manor.

    Note that if you previously haven't encountered Yellow-Eye Three, the Imps in the other levels of the Manor will be similarly suspicious of you. Passing yourself as Arkemyr by wearing Arkemyr's Old Robes and using the "cider and cheese" password from Arkemyr's Notes works in this instance as well. And it earns Shady disposition just the same. Alternatives include a Bluff check of 8, an Intimidate check of 8, or a Diplomacy check of 9. But those alternatives don't really work. They'll just mean that the Imp who catches you will offer you an opportunity to leave without a fight.

    The book shelf at #3 has a Tattered Note, which provides a combination sequence based on "Diamond, Ruby, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald." This information is crucial for breaking into the Vault itself.

    The stairs to the basement are at #5.

  4. The most violent path begins by talking to Fassina at #2 on the main floor of The Dark Cupboard. She is willing to give you Arkemyr's Manor Key if you have completed the Velvet Glove, Brass Fists Task in a way that freed Bessano from his debt and without getting captured by Hamuta Stonheel.

    Failing that, you could also pickpocket her for the key.

    The front door to the Main Floor of Arkemyr's Manor is at #10 on the map of Periki's Overlook.

    Coming in through the front door, without any of the precautions described for the first pathway, would amount to committing yourself to trying to slaughter all the Imps and Ironclad Constructs in the Manor to cut a path to the stairs at #5. It may be more than you can chew, depending on your level. The Imps are more of a nuisance than anything else. But the Constructs boast hard melee hits, very high Armor rating, and an attack that resembles the Fan of Flames spell.

  5. The way that gets you closest to the Vault itself begins by talking to the small construct named Ifren at #3. Be forewarned that he can inflict a Concussion injury on you if you're nasty with him. He can also tell meaningless fortunes for 1cp if you're so inclined.

    Ask him specifically about how he broke into Arkemyr's Vault in his former life, followed by any one of paying him 500cp, a Bluff check of 4, or an Intimidate check of 4. He'll reveal that there's a crack in the wall in the Boiler Room of the nearby Luminous Bathhouse, and that you either need to be quite strong or have tools to get you clear into the Vault.

    Entrances to the Luminous Bathhouse are at #15 on the map of Periki's Overlook.

    Luminous Batthouse, Level 1

    You'll start off at either of the doors marked #1 on the map of the main floor of the Luminous Bathhouse. Take the stairs at #3.

    Luminous Bathhouse, Boiler Room

    You'll be at the stairs at #1 on the map of the Boiler Room of the Luminous Bathhouse. You can squeeze through the crack at #2.
  6. Arkemyr's Manor, Laboratories

  7. If you took the subterfuge path that started from the rooftop, or the violent path that starts through the front door, you'll eventually end up at the stairs at #1 on the map of the Laboratories of Arkemyr's Manor.

    If you took the path that went through the Luminous Bathhouse, you'll wind up at #8 instead. Getting past the wall at #9 requires either any character to make a Might check of 18, or expending a Hammer and Chisel. Doing so will set off an alarm and turn all the creatures in the area hostile, even if you managed to so far avoid their scrutinty through Quest pathways that relied more on subterfuge.

    However, if you examine the wall before forcing it, and make a Perception check of 14, you can make a Mechanics check of 6 to neutralize the alarm. You can then force the door without the worry of any hostilities should you been seen. Wearing Arkemyr's Old Robes will still prevent the Constructs from attacking. Avoiding the Imps from kicking you out or sounding their own alarm still requires wearing Arkemyr's Old Robes and using the 'cider and cheese' password.

  8. There is a soul at #5 whose memories can be read by the Watcher as an alternative way to obtain the combination sequence needed to open the door to the Vault. If you still want to avoid any fights, you can send your Stealth character by him or herself to click on the soul, and your Watcher can use his or her powers at a distance to obtain the information. In fact, Xoti can also harvest the soul for purposes of her personal Quest, The Lantern of Gaun. She also doesn't need to be in the room, so long as your Stealth character is able to click on the soul without being noticed. In fact, that would be preferable, since if Xoti entered the room in Stealth mode, her Stealth would get blown after harvesting the soul.

    It may on the whole be the preferable way of learning the combination sequence if you came in through the Boiler Room of the Luminous Bathhouse.

  9. The door to the Vault itself is at #10. The first step to opening it is to click on the lock next to it to begin a scripted interaction. Next, you'll need to either use the Translucent Crystal or make a Mechanics check of 9 to get it ready. The last step then requires using the combination learned from the Tattered Note, or learned from the soul at #5, and then the door will open.

  10. Arkemyr's VaultThe Vault itself is at #11. Be forewarned that it has a LOT of traps, and in my estimation needs a character with both significant Perception and significant Mechanics skill (boosted by Svef and/or Thief's Putty if need be) to get through safely. One of the chests has the Hasongo Epic needed to complete the Quest.

    The numerous other chests offer plenty of quality items, including:

  11. Now it's a matter of leaving with the Hasongo Epic. Going out the shortcut at #8 and then through the Luminous Bathhouse commends itself, especially should the Imps and Constructs turn hostile.

  12. It becomes a question of who you give the Hasongo Epic to in order to complete the Quest.

    If you prefer the Rauatai Deadfire Company, Tumara will be waiting beside the door at #14 in the Brass Citadel. Giving it to her will result in an xp reward, a moderate increase in reputation with the Royal Deadfire Company, and 2,500cp.

    If you prefer the Huana, Netehe will be waiting beside the door at #8 in Serpent's Crown. Giving it to her will result in an xp reward, a major increase in reputation with the Huana, and 2,500cp.

  13. Completing the Quest also prompts a visit from an Imp, who informs you that Arkemyr has returned to his Manor and would now like to speak to you. That message triggers the Task called A Cordial Invitation.

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