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Pillars of Eternity 2 Online Walkthrough by David Milward

Quests | Areas | Mega Bosses
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Main Game: Main Quests | Character Quests | Side Quests | Tasks | Bounties
Faction Quests: Huana | Principi | Royal Deadfire Company | Vailian Trading Company
Expansions: Beast of Winter | Forgotten Sanctum | Seeker, Slayer, Survivor

Side Quests: Helping Hands | Lost Dues in Good Faith | Mapping the Archipelago: Port Maje | Mapping the Archipelago: Tikawara | Mapping the Archipelago: West Wakara Reef | Mapping the Archipelago: The Burning Shoals | Mapping the Archipelago: Razai Passage | A Bigger Fish | A Sinking Feeling | Family Pride | The Archmage's Vault | Bekarna's Folly | Food for Thought | Harsh Medicine | The Cornett's Call | Eulogy for the Dead | Broodmother's Fury | The Storms of Poko Kohara | Hunting Season | Cruel Cargo | Tip of the Spear | Nemnok the Devourer | The Final Voyage | A Paradise of the Mind

Family Pride

Queen's Berth

  1. This Quest will trigger upon completion of any one of the Quests called A Sinking Feeling or A Bigger Fish, or the Salt in the Wound Task.

    There are three distinct pathways: the one that annihilates the Bardatto family at the behest of the Valera family, the one that annihilates the Valera family at the behest of the Bardatto family, and the one that brings both families together into a peaceful end of the feud. The third pathway is the only one that will be acceptable to Pallegina if she's in your party. Pursuing either of the other pathways will cause her to leave the party.

  2. The entrance to the Bardatto Estate is at #17 on the map of Queen's Berth.

    The entrances to the Valera Estate will be at doors marked #13.
  3. Bardatto Estate

    Bardatto Pathway

  4. Ezzali Bardatto will be at #4 on the map of the Bardatto Estate. If you completed the Quest called A Sinking Feeling for her, she will now want you to first repel the effort to rob the Vault downstairs, and eventually help wipe out the Valera family as well. If you commit yourself to her request, you will also commit yourself to completing the Family Pride Quest in a way that sees the Bardatto family wiping out the Valera family. It will also mean failure of the Quest called A Bigger Fish.

    If you choose the Diplomatic reply to her request, she'll fob you off initially. *NOTE* Only the Diplomatic dialogue option of suggesting that maybe the families can reach a truce will leave open the negotiation pathway for completing the Quest. Any other response causes the Quest called A Sinking Feeling to feel if it has not yet been completed, and obliges you to see through the Bardatto pathway, the Valera pathway, or wiping out both families altogether.

  5. The stairs to the Bardatto Vault will be at #2 on the map of the Bardatto Estate.

  6. Bardatto Vault

  7. You start off at #1 on the map of the Bardatto Vault. The door at #2 cannot be passed unless you're either prepared to fight your way through it, are able to sneak through it with a high Stealth skill, or make enemies of the Bardattos, or have received permission from Ezzali as part of this Quest. Note that permission from Ezzali only comes if you committed to stopping the heist, and that does not include the Diplomatic option when you first reported the Valera heist plans to her.

  8. Captain Valimi will be at #3, and he's the one to speak to if you want to join in on foiling the Valera's heist of the Vault.

    You can still keep your options for this Quest open even if you initially agree to Ezzali's request to defend the Vault, but only if you choose the Diplomatic option and avoid speaking to Captain Valimi. It is speaking to Captain Valimi to begin the defense of the Vault against the Valeras that marks the point of no return, and commits you fully to completing this Quest in a way that favors the Bardattos.

  9. The chest below the window at #7 has Ezzali's Ledger, which can be useful if you decide you would like to pursue the negotiation pathway instead.

  10. BeldaOnce you've spoken to Captain Valimi and chosen the dialogue option to begin the defense of the Vault, the party will end up at #4. A group of thieves led by Belda show up. She'll shoot Captain Valimi in the arm, taking him out of the battle for a few seconds. It otherwise becomes a matter of slaughtering her and her group of thieves. Captain Valimi will urge you to speak to Ezzali afterwards.

    If you're interested in some loot, the door at #5 requires lockpicking four locks, two on each side of the door. The chest at #6 has a Rapier called Rannig's Wrath and a War Hammer called Resounding Call.

  11. Ezzali will reward you with 1,500cp and an xp reward. She'll now also want you to wipe out the Bardatto family.
  12. Valero Estate, Main Floor

  13. You'll start off at #1 on the map of the main floor of the Valera Estate when you first enter. The stairs to the upper level are at #2.
  14. Valero Estate, Upper Floor

  15. You'll now be at the stairs at #3 on the map of the upper floor. Atello Valera, and his son, Martino Valera, will be at #4.

    Note that you could convince Atello towards negotiating a peace with Ezzali Bardatto. Problem is, she won't be agreeable should you take the proposal back to her. Helping Captain Vilami stop the robbery of the Vault truly is the cut off point whereby the peaceful completion of the Quest is no longer available. The remaining choices are to see through the murder of the Valeras, or to go back and kill off the Bardattos which effectively becomes completing the Valera pathway.

    If you start the fight, all the Valera Guards will pour in from the rest of the upper level. Atello will leave behind a Sword called Duskfall and a Breastplate called Casita Samelia's Legacy should you win. If Pallegina is in the party, she will leave at the conclusion of this battle.

    You'll also have to fight the rest of the Valera Guards on the main floor as you make your way out.

  16. Go back to Ezzali, who provides an xp reward and 2,500cp for completing the Quest in your favor.
  17. Valera Pathway

  18. Helping the Valeras win out over the Bardattos first requires completion of the Quest called A Bigger Fish. It then requires several days (about 5 in my estimation) afterwards for Belda, who's Martino's cousin, to begin the heist against the Bardatto Vault.

    *NOTE* Once that several days clock begins to run, you still have the options to complete the Quest called A Sinking Feeling, to complete this Quest in favor of the Bardattos instead, or to complete this Quest that tries to bring about a lasting truce for both families. Once the several days run and the heist begins, that becomes the point of no return and you'll be locked into either helping the Valeras wipe out the Bardattos or wiping out both families altogether.

  19. Speak to Martino again after the several days have passed. Belda has begun her heist, but is now trapped in the Bardatto Vault. Both Atello and Martino will make it your mission to get her out of there.
  20. Queen's Berth

  21. The entrance to the Bardatto Estate is at #17 on the map of Queen's Berth.
  22. Bardatto Estate

  23. You'll start at #1 on the map of the Bardatto Estate. The stairs to the Bardatto Vault are at #2.

    *NOTE* If you previously notified Ezzalli of the coming heist as part of the Quest called A Sinking Feeling, the Guards will be hostile to you the moment you come in through the front door after having accepted the mission to rescue Belda.
  24. Bardatto Vault

  25. You'll next be at #1 on the map of the Bardatto Vault. You'll have to fight some Bardatto Guards to the left of the stairs.

  26. The confrontation between Belda and Captain Valimi will be at #4, except you'll obviously be siding with Belda if you choose this pathway.

    And again you'll have the opportunity to plunder the Vault, including Rannig's Wrath and Resounding Call from the chest at #6.

    When it's all said and done, Belda will recommend that you go out through the window at #7 on the map of the Bardatto Vault. The window will take you near #11 on the map of Queen's Berth. The alternative is to go back up the stairs and fight your way past the rest of the Bardatto Guards of the Bardatto Estate.

  27. Report back to Atello and Martino Valera. They now want you to wipe out what's left of the Bardatto family.

  28. Now it's a matter of wiping out the rest of the Bardattos inside the Bardatto Estate itself.

    That includes Ezzalli Bardatto herself, who will be at #4. Should you win, Ezzalli leaves behind a Mace called Bardatto's Luxury, a Plate Armor called Deltro's Cage, and an accompanying helmet called Deltro's Cage Helm.

    If Pallegina is in the party, she will leave at the conclusion of this battle.

  29. Report back to Atello Valera, and he will give you an xp reward and Duskfall to conclude the Quest.
  30. Negotiation Pathway

  31. Bringing the families together into a peaceful resolution remains possible so long as you have not started assisting Captain Valimi with repelling Belda's heist of the Bardatto Vault following the Quest called A Sinking Feeling, or have not allowed several days to elapse since completing the Quest called A Bigger Fish, which also marks the start of the heist.

  32. Now it's a matter of convincing the families to come together. If you start with Ezzalli Bardatto, dialogue options based on ...:
    ... can all convince her to negotiate.

    It's then a matter of informing Atello Valera in his estate, and then going back to speak to Ezzali in her estate to begin the negotiations.

  33. If you start with Atello Valera, dialogue options based on ...:

    • Having the Valera Captain's Report.
    • A Diplomacy check of 2.
    • Having at least two points of positive reputation with the Vailian Trading Company.

    ... will convince him to negotiate. Now go and inform Ezzali in her estate that Atello is willing to negotiate, and then go back to speak to Atello in his estate to begin the negotiations.

  34. Negotiations will start off tense. Calling on Pallegina to offer her wisdom will earn reputation with her. The negotiation itself is a complex network of dialogue branches. But one key to a successful negotiation is to avoid dialogue options that insult either family, or place the blame for the feud squarely on one family over the other. It begins with asking Ezzali why she's shutting the Valeras out of trade, and pointing out that she hasn't provided them with an opportunity to prove their trustworthiness. The other key is to grab any one of the following possibilities when they come:

    • Asking Ezzali why she has shut the Valeras out of trade, followed by pointing out to her that she hasn't provided the Valeras with a "reason to prove their trustworthiness".
    • Reminding Ezzali that she was once a Goldpact Knight.
    • Asking Ezzali, "don't you know a chance at profit when you see it?"

    The last two branches can be followed up with an Insight check of 2, or using the Valera Captain's Report if you have it in your inventory. Things fall into place between the rival families thereafter. Pallegina will remain in the party if she is present.

    A successful negotiation means an xp reward, and a major gain of reputation with the Vailian Trading Company. You can thereafter go to Atello for Duskfall as a reward, and to Ezzali for Bardatto's Luxury as a reward.

  35. An option to attack both families at once also becomes available during the negotiations, which earns Shady reputation. Pallegina will leave the party if she is present and should you manage to slaughter both families.

  36. If you also want the Casita Samelia's Legacy and Deltro's Cage armors, as well as the Deltro's Cage Helm, then you may find it preferable to bring the families together but then deliberately fail the negotiations. As previously mentioned, dialogue options that either insult one of the families or hoist blame squarely on one family over the other, tend to reliably bring that about. A failed negotiation means that the Valera delegates kill the Bardattos and then will try to kill you, or the Bardattos kill the Valeras and then try to kill you. Which one happens depends on the precise dialogue branch that leads to a breakdown of the negotiations.

    An additional upside for doing things this way is that Pallegina will still remain in the party. The possible downside is that you won't get the reputation gain with the Vailian Trading Company.

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