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Pillars of Eternity 2 Online Walkthrough by David Milward

Quests | Areas | Mega Bosses
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Areas: World Map | Deck of Many Things | Maje Island | Fort Deadlight | Neketaka | Kangati Islands | Karatapu Channel | Wakara Reef | Dunnage | Tehiwai Islands | Burning Shoals | West Wakara Reef | Sayuka | Hasongo | Crookspur | Rikihu's Maw | Magran's Teeth | Splintered Reef | Ukaizo
Expansions: Beast of Winter | Forgotten Sanctum | Seeker, Slayer, Survivor

Neketaka Island: Neketaka Island | Neketaka (City) | Pahowane | Pahowane Underground
Queen's Berth: Queen's Berth | The Wild Mare, Main Floor | The Wild Mare, Upper Floor | Vailian Trading Company Headquarters, Main Floor | Vailian Trading Company Headquarters, Upper Floor | Bardatto Estate | Bardatto Vault | Valera Estate
Periki's Overlook: Periki's Overlook | The Dark Cupboard | Luminous Bathhouse, Main Floor | Luminous Bathhouse, Upper Floor | Boiler Room | Arkemyr's Manor, Main Floor | Arkemyr's Manor, Upper Floor | Arkemyr's Bedroom | Arkemyr's Manor, Laboratories | Watershapers Guild | Guild Ruins
Serpent's Crown: Serpent's Crown | Takano's Estate | Kahanga Palace, Main Floor | Kahanga Palace, Upper Floor | Kahanga Palace, Rooftop
The Sacred Stair: The Sacred Stair | Temple of Gaun | The Hanging Sepulchers | Spire of the Soul Seers | Spire of the Soul Seers, Rooftop | Realm of the Beast of Winter
Brass Citadel: Brass Citadel | Imperial Command | Powderhouse
The Gullet: The Gullet | The Hole, Main Floor | The Hole, Upper Floor | Delver's Row | Undercroft
Old City: Old City Overlook | Old City Ruins | Old City

The Dark Cupboard

The Dark Cupboard, Level 1

  1. This door leads back out to Periki's Overlook at #3.

  2. Here is Fassina. Her boyfriend, Bertenno, steals something and flees out the door. Agreeing to get that item back for her starts the Velvet Glove, Brass Fist Task.

    She also sells a lot of scrolls and magic ingredients. Distinctive items she has for sale include:

  3. This locked chest has the Ring of Focused Flame in it.

  4. Here is Irfen. He can tell you fortunes for 1cp each, but they amount to references to things that have already happened to your Watcher character. Insulting him might result in receiving an Injury from him.

    You can also obtain the Fortuneteller's Ear from him, but only after The Seeking Face's Hunt for the Fortunteller's Ear has started.

  5. This bookcase has an Amulet of Health.

  6. Critter CleaverHere is the Critter Cleaver, a feature that comes with The Forgotten Sanctum DLC. There are modes for using the Cleaver, each accessible through buttons resembling dogs on the left side of the panel.

    The first mode, which is accessible through the top dog button, allows you to sacrifice Pets to the Cleaver. The machine will remember the appearance of any Pet, and any of the benefits that it provided, that you sacrifice to it. You can sacrifice as many pets as you like to it.

    The second mode, accessible through the lower dog button, allows you to build a custom pet from the Pets you sacrificed. There are two slots on the right. You can drag one of the sacrificed pets to the Sleeve slot. The new Pet will take on the appearance of that Pet. You can drag another Pet to the Bonuses slot. The new Pet will provide the bonuses of that Pet.

    When you're ready to create your new custom pet, and if you have at least 2,000cp to spend, you can now press the Create Pet button on the lower right side of the panel. The Cleaver is useful if you want the benefits of a particular Pet, but want to change its appearance more to your liking (like a Wurm or an Imp instead of a Cat or Dog for example).

  7. A weapon rack here has a Quarterstaff called The Spine of Thicket Green.

  8. This bookcase has a copy of the Grimoire of Vaporous Wizardry.
    This might be the best Grimoire for a single-class Wizard. It allows a Wizard to cast three spells from each Spell Level per encounter. The drawback is that any damage at all to the Wizard will result in an automatic Interrupt, even if the Wizard has Concentration in place.

    There is a known way around it. The idea is to have the Wizard wear Rekvu's Fractured Casque as his or her helmet, and then inflict an Injury that the Wizard can live with so that the helmet confers total immunity to any interrupts.

    One idea is to place a Flame Wall spell on the ground while nobody else is around, and have your Wizard run back and forth over it until he or she is knocked unconscious. The Wizard will rise with a Serious Burn Injury, which inflicts -3 Burn Armor Rating and -2 Dexterity. That's pretty tame compared to the penalties imposed by other Injuries. Keep the Injury on until you're ready to Rest, then rinse and repeat.

  9. These stairs lead to #10 in the Living Quarters of The Dark Cupboard.

  10. The Dark Cupboard, Living Quarters

  11. These stairs lead back down to the first level of The Dark Cupboard at #9.

  12. This trapped and locked chest has a Trollhide Belt.

  13. This drawer has Fassina's Journal.

  14. Clicking on this window starts a scripted interaction. You can select a character to both expend a Rope and Grappling Hook and make an Athletics check of 3 to effectively create a tightrope that will appear at #4 on the map of Periki's Overlook.

    It enables access to the Upper Floor of Arkemyr's Manor and Arkemyr's Bedroom without having to go in through the front door.

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