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Pillars of Eternity 2 Online Walkthrough by David Milward

Quests | Areas | Mega Bosses
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Areas: World Map | Deck of Many Things | Maje Island | Fort Deadlight | Neketaka | Kangati Islands | Karatapu Channel | Wakara Reef | Dunnage | Tehiwai Islands | Burning Shoals | West Wakara Reef | Sayuka | Hasongo | Crookspur | Rikihu's Maw | Magran's Teeth | Splintered Reef | Ukaizo
Expansions: Beast of Winter | Forgotten Sanctum | Seeker, Slayer, Survivor

Hasongo: Hasongo | Cannon Rampart | Kitchen | Dining Hall | Engineering Workshop | Fleet Master's Office | Lighthouse



  1. Here is where you first enter from the World Map. This area is the focus of the Quest called A Distant Light.

  2. You will have to fight Coral Nagas at these points.

  3. You will find a Rauataian survivor named Zuhira in the Storage Tower here. She will offer information on Eothas' attack, as well as indicate that a bombardment may be used against the Nagas that now occupy Hasongo.

    If you ask specifically about ammunition for the bombardment, then she is willing to give you the Storeroom Key to provide access to a workshop.

  4. Here is the entrance to the Cannon Rampart.

  5. There is a line of barrels here that help protect the Naga Archers south of them. You can deal with the Archers with spells and missile fire of your own, or use abilities like Leap or Evasion to get close to them without having to smash through the barrels.

    Some of the barrels will have Cave Grubs inside of them if you shatter them.

  6. There will be a large group of Coral Nagas here, including a couple of Coral Naga Shamans who stand next to Totems that they use to summon Storm Blights.

  7. Here is the entrance to the Kitchen at #1.

  8. There will be some Looters to fight here.

  9. Here is the Bombard. Being able to use it may be helpful in fulfilling the Quest.

  10. You can use a Rope and Grappling Hook here to create a tightrope to #11.

  11. You can come across to here after using a Rope and Grappling Hook at #10.

  12. The trapdoor here leads to the Kitchen at #4.

  13. This door leads to the Dining Hall at #1.

  14. There are two ways to reach the top of the tower at #15 from here.

    One is for everyone to climb up. Party members with lower Athletics scores may fall and suffer the Twisted Ankle (-20 Reflexes) Injury and remain at the bottom.

    The other is to use a Rope and Grappling Hook. If you do so, you'll have to fight a few Coral Nagas who come out of the nearby water to attack you.

  15. Here is where you end up if you can find a way to scale up the wall from #14.

  16. This door leads to the Engineering Workshop at #1.

  17. There will be a large group of Coral Nagas here. You can use the Bombard at #8 to take them out in one shot, but that requires preparing the Bombard in the course of doing other parts of the Quest.

  18. The pile of rubble here will prevent you from getting across to the other side. That is unless you use the Bombard at #9 to take out the Nagas at #17, in which case this pile of rubble will also get blown away.

  19. There will be a Coral Nagas ambush here, led by a Coral Naga Shaman who uses his Totems to summon Blights. They are also helped out by a Sea Troll.

  20. This door leads to the Fleet Master's Office at #1.

  21. This door leads to the Fleet Master's Office at #4.

  22. The door here leads to the Lighthouse at #1.

  23. The stairs here lead to the Lighthouse at #4.

  24. You can find a Pet cat named Corlagon here.

  25. A young man named Bearn will be here, after you've completed the Quest called A Distant Light. He is relevant to Eder's Quest, The Lighted Path.

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