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Pillars of Eternity 2 Online Walkthrough by David Milward

Quests | Areas | Mega Bosses
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Areas: World Map | Deck of Many Things | Maje Island | Fort Deadlight | Neketaka | Kangati Islands | Karatapu Channel | Wakara Reef | Dunnage | Tehiwai Islands | Burning Shoals | West Wakara Reef | Sayuka | Hasongo | Crookspur | Rikihu's Maw | Magran's Teeth | Splintered Reef | Ukaizo
Expansions: Beast of Winter | Forgotten Sanctum | Seeker, Slayer, Survivor

West Wakara Reef: Amira's Island | Ruins of Amira's Roost | Desert Island | Sandswept Ruins

West Wakara Reef, Amira's Island

Amira's Island

  1. Here is the initial landing point for the island.

  2. You can get Water from oases at these spots.

  3. Here is the Blighted Bog. It typically involves fighting a Menpwgra, a Delemgan, a few Bog Oozes and a few Bog Lurkers. The fight can be out of reach for lower-level parties, especially if the Menpwgra and Delemgan get off Plague of Insects spells. You can make a Stealth check of 10 to try and sneak closer to them to start the fight. Sneaking closer also allows the option of trying to use an elemental damage spell (e.g., Fireball) to try and drive them off. As far as I can tell, it prevents a Dank Spore from also participating in the battle.

    Alternatively you can make an Intimidation check of 15 after choosing the attack option, which will convince the Menpwgra to give you the Newly-formed Wisp as a Pet. You can then either let them go without a fight, or attack them.

    Asking and accepting a mushroom after having previously accepted a Mushroom from the Delemgan on Tikawara Island won't result in any boon this time around. It instead results in an Injury for the Watcher, and a fight starting anyway.

  4. Here is a Ruined Tower, from which you can get a random item or a few.

  5. You can get Fresh Fruit from the grove here.

  6. Here is an old battlefield from which you can get a few random items.

  7. RanettiHere is the Koro River Delta. A group of Pirates named Ranetti will be here, attempting to bury a cursed dagger named Pukestabber. There are a few options for getting it from him:

    • Fight him and his band to the death. Keep in mind that his pirate band is pretty high-level, and includes an Ogre.
    • Give him 8,000cp for it.
    • Make an Arcana check of 13 to convince him to give it willingly.
    • Depart without insisting on the knife then and there, leave the Delta, and then come back. *Note* Finding where they buried the chest will require a character who can make a high combined Survival and Streetwise check.

    The dagger itself is powerful, but it comes with side effects. Its wielder will suffer a -1 Power Levels penalty, and vomit every 12 seconds if and while hungover. There are two ways to prevent that. One is to imbue it with the Iron Stomach enchantment. The alternative, if you want the Debauchery enchantment for it instead, is to have its wielder also wear the Drunkard's Regret ring, which can be obtained during the Lost Dues in Good Faith Quest.

  8. Here is the False Mouth Forest. It's a scripted interaction that inevitably leads to an ambush by several Lagufaeth led by a Lagufaeth Broodmother.

  9. Here is the entrance to the Ruins of Amira's Roost.

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