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Pillars of Eternity 2 Online Walkthrough by David Milward

Quests | Areas | Mega Bosses
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Areas: World Map | Deck of Many Things | Maje Island | Fort Deadlight | Neketaka | Kangati Islands | Karatapu Channel | Wakara Reef | Dunnage | Tehiwai Islands | Burning Shoals | West Wakara Reef | Sayuka | Hasongo | Crookspur | Rikihu's Maw | Magran's Teeth | Splintered Reef | Ukaizo
Expansions: Beast of Winter | Forgotten Sanctum | Seeker, Slayer, Survivor

Burning Shoals: Motare Island | Motare o Kozi | Bekarna's Observatory | The Orrery | Cleft Island | Collapsed Coal Mine | Ofecchia Channel Islands | Flooded Cave

Motare Island

Motare Island

  1. Here is a Shipwreck from which you can get random items.

  2. Here is the initial landing point for the island.

  3. Here is Maketau Landing. A party of Wahaki tribe warriors will be here, with the intention of denying access to the rest of the island.

    Simply going ahead will result in a fight, which is a way to get past the Landing. Their leader, Etemba, will leave behind a Wahaki Missive that contains instructions to kill you on arrival.

    A Survival check of 4 or a Perception check of 15 will detect an unusual quiet that suggests a waiting ambush. Going ahead or charging in waving your weapons are choices that will both result in a fight with.

    If you want to pass the Wahaki peacefully, make the Survival or Perception check, and then select the option that involves putting your hands out in a gesture of peace.

    Follow that up with either a Diplomacy check of 4 or an Intimidate check of 5. Or you can choose the Aggressive option if you want to attack them.

    You'll have the opportunity to question them as to the nature of the island, which has apparently become corrupted.

    Having 3 positive points of reputation with the Huana, making an Intimidation check of 7, a dialogue option based on the Watcher being a Druid, or having completed the Principi Quest called A Shrewd Proposition can all convince their leader, Etemba, to let you pass peacefully.

  4. You can obtain an Arquebus named Blightheart from this Burial Mound, along with a few other random items.

  5. Here is Motare o Kozi.

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