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Pillars of Eternity 2 Online Walkthrough by David Milward

Quests | Areas | Mega Bosses
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Areas: World Map | Deck of Many Things | Maje Island | Fort Deadlight | Neketaka | Kangati Islands | Karatapu Channel | Wakara Reef | Dunnage | Tehiwai Islands | Burning Shoals | West Wakara Reef | Sayuka | Hasongo | Crookspur | Rikihu's Maw | Magran's Teeth | Splintered Reef | Ukaizo
Expansions: Beast of Winter | Forgotten Sanctum | Seeker, Slayer, Survivor

Tehiwai Islands: Tikawara | Tikawara Island | Hohina Ravine | Poko Kohara Island | Poko Kohara Ruins | Engwithan Waystation | Tangaloa's Maw Island | Forgotten Catacomb | Subterranean Temple | Black Isles | Hall of the Unseen

Tikawara Island

Tikawara Island

  1. Here is the village of Tikawara, which is also the initial landing point for the island.

  2. Here is Sunepu Beach, on which resides a rather large Lagufaeth named Skulking-Terror.

    You can use the Athletics option to go forward cautiously. Problem is that it is likely to lead to the character with the lowest Athletics rank getting hit with a dart, and that character also getting the Acute Rash (-5 Fortitude, -3 Corrosive Armor Rating). That can, however, be averted by having a Ranger in the party. The Ranger's pet will tug at the Ranger's sleeve, giving an alert to the danger and allowing a dodging of the dart.

    Another exception taking the Athletics option to approach, but after having rescued the captive Lagufaeth hatchlings in the village of Tikawara. You can then wait, and Skulking-Terror will offer you fish. An Insight check of 3 reveals that it's probably gratitude for setting the hatchlings free. You can either accept the Hagfish it offers, or attack it (when it will still be near the Sigil of Atrophy).

    You can have a character make a combined Survival 8 and Perception 12 check. Succeeding in both checks allows you to notice a giant Lagufaeth wearing a skull for a helmet. Not making both checks means that you don't notice anything in particular, although you'll still have the Athletics option available.

    You can follow up the combined check by having any character make a Stealth check of 8. If you miss the check, the Lagufaeth will attack you on the beach, and near a Sigil of Atrophy. It won't leave behind anything special if you defeat it. If you make the check, a few options become available:

    • Make a Stealth check of 10 to bypass the beach and any battle altogether, which also means no treasure or xp. Failing the check results in a fight with Skulking-Terror.
    • Ambush and attack the Lagufaeth from Stealth mode.
    • Use a spell that uses Shocking Damage to scare it away. It will leave behind some items, but again nothing special.
    • Use Gernisc's Beast Lit the Night with his Breath or Yet Its Mate Was More Feared to scare it away.

  3. Here is an Old Battleground from which you can get a few random items.

  4. Toakua Biwha TrailHere is the Toaku Biwha Trail, which is inhabited by a Delemgan and a Dank Spore, along with a few Sporelings and Lesser Earth Blights.

    You can begin with a Stealth check of 5 check to get closer and observe. From there, you have a few options:

    • You can make a combined Intellect check of 15 and a Survival check of 6 to verify that a Delemgan and a Dank Spore are in the glade ahead. You can also notice that the Dank Spore is feeding on a dead corpse and is still emitting its luring odor, and that there's a tome at the base of the Spore.
    • You can approach them in stealth mode, with a view towards getting closer to them before combat starts. If you win, the distinctive item that gets left behind is the Spore-Coated Grimoire.
    • You can approach openly, which leads to the same set of options as if you had approached them openly at the outset.

    Approaching them openly leads to several options. Some of them won't be available if you have a combined 1 point of Cruel disposition and 2 points of Aggressive disposition.

    • You can attack them at the outset. Doing so, or any of the other dialogue options, leads to a fight where the Spore-Coated Grimoire can be obtained as loot.
    • You can make the combined Intellect check of 15 and a Survival check of 6 after an open approach as well.
    • Making an Intimidation check of 7 will force the Delemgan to flee, and you'll only have to fight the Dank Spore, Sporelings and Lesser Earth Blights. You still get the Spore-Coated Grimoire as loot.
    • Complimenting her as a fine lady in a dark wood, or asking why she's so demanding won't help or hurt the scripted interaction in any way.
    • Asking if she needs help, and then saying you need to leave will result in her allowing you to leave peacefully. But only if you don't have the combined Cruel and Aggressive disposition.
    • Saying you need to leave, but without making a prior offer to help, or if you have the combined Cruel / Aggressive disposition, results in her and her minions attacking you.
    • Asking if she needs help, and then following up with the compliment that the Dank Spore "smells amazing" leads to her offering you a mushroom cap. Accepting the offer by eating the mushroom leads to the Watcher gaining Nature's Resolve (+10 Accuracy, +2 Resolve), which lasts until the next Rest, and the party leaving the glade peacefully. *NOTE* The Mushroom won't be offered to a character with the combined Cruel / Aggressive disposition, so fighting the Delemgan and her minions becomes inevitable.
    • Throwing the mushroom away to reject her offer means that she won't let you leave the glade peacefully, and a fight with her and her minions becomes inevitable.

  5. Here is an orchard from which you can get some Fresh Fruit.

  6. Here is an Old Burial Site, from which you can get some random items.

  7. Here is the Boa Hika Pass. There are three ways to start, and all of them reveal that several Boar have been wounded while being hunted.

    One way to start is to approach openly, which reveals a little piglet:

    • Make a Perception check of 13 to identify the darts wounding the Boars as coming from Lagufaeth hunters. You will still have some options open.
    • Grab the piglet, which is actually the Baby Boar Pet. Doing so requires a Might check of 10, but you'll be obliged to fight the Lagufaeth whether or not you made the Perception check beforehand and even if you try to flee.
    • Make a Stealth check of 7, either before or after getting the Baby Boar. Doing so allows you to go into Stealth mode and close in on the Lagufaeth before starting combat with them. If you made the Stealth check before grabbing the Baby Boar, you'll lose out on it.

    The second way is to make a Stealth check of 5 to sneak forward and observe:

    • You can straightaway grab the Baby Boar and then sneak away without fighting the Lagufaeth.
    • You can make the Perception check of 13 before grabbing the Baby Boar, but that means you'll have to fight the Lagufaeth if you try to get away.
    • Again, you can make another Stealth check of 7, either before or after getting the Baby Boar. Doing so allows you to go into Stealth mode and close in on the Lagufaeth before starting combat with them. If you made the second Stealth check before grabbing the Baby Boar, you'll lose out on it.

    A third way to start is to wait and observe, which earns Stoic disposition. Your options become limited to drawing weapons and attacking them openly, or making the Stealth check of 7 to sneak up on them before attacking. You won't get the Baby Boar.

    *NOTE* Any choices based on putting the Boars out of their misery, or trying to heal them, won't accomplish anything and lead to fighting the Lagufaeth anyway.

    The Lagufaeth are led by Chief Echoing-Strike. The distinctive item he leaves behind upon dying is a Ring of Overseeing.

  8. You'll get some Repair Supplies here.

  9. Here is the entrance to Hohina Ravine.

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