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Pillars of Eternity 2 Online Walkthrough by David Milward

Quests | Areas | Mega Bosses
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Areas: World Map | Deck of Many Things | Maje Island | Fort Deadlight | Neketaka | Kangati Islands | Karatapu Channel | Wakara Reef | Dunnage | Tehiwai Islands | Burning Shoals | West Wakara Reef | Sayuka | Hasongo | Crookspur | Rikihu's Maw | Magran's Teeth | Splintered Reef | Ukaizo
Expansions: Beast of Winter | Forgotten Sanctum | Seeker, Slayer, Survivor

Neketaka Island: Neketaka Island | Neketaka (City) | Pahowane | Pahowane Underground
Queen's Berth: Queen's Berth | The Wild Mare, Main Floor | The Wild Mare, Upper Floor | Vailian Trading Company Headquarters, Main Floor | Vailian Trading Company Headquarters, Upper Floor | Bardatto Estate | Bardatto Vault | Valera Estate
Periki's Overlook: Periki's Overlook | The Dark Cupboard | Luminous Bathhouse, Main Floor | Luminous Bathhouse, Upper Floor | Boiler Room | Arkemyr's Manor, Main Floor | Arkemyr's Manor, Upper Floor | Arkemyr's Bedroom | Arkemyr's Manor, Laboratories | Watershapers Guild | Guild Ruins
Serpent's Crown: Serpent's Crown | Takano's Estate | Kahanga Palace, Main Floor | Kahanga Palace, Upper Floor | Kahanga Palace, Rooftop
The Sacred Stair: The Sacred Stair | Temple of Gaun | The Hanging Sepulchers | Spire of the Soul Seers | Spire of the Soul Seers, Rooftop | Realm of the Beast of Winter
Brass Citadel: Brass Citadel | Imperial Command | Powderhouse
The Gullet: The Gullet | The Hole, Main Floor | The Hole, Upper Floor | Delver's Row | Undercroft
Old City: Old City Overlook | Old City Ruins | Old City

Arkemyr's Manor, Laboratories

Arkemyr's Manor, Laboratories

  1. These stairs lead back up to the Main Floor of Arkemyr's Manor at #5.

  2. This room will have several Imps, a Steelclad Prototype (a tougher version of the Ironclad Construct) and a Storm Blight or two.

  3. This room will have a Steelclad Prototype, a Magma Ooze, and a Flame Blight or two.

  4. This table has a Purchase Order, which sheds light on the origins of the Ironclad Constructs.

  5. Here is a soul that can be read with your Watcher powers. Doing so can reveal the combination needed to open the door to the Vault at #10.

    Xoti can also harvest it for purposes of her personal Quest, The Lantern of Gaun.

  6. This room will have a Steelclad Prototype, a few Sporelings, and an Earth Blight.

  7. The shelf here has a Morning Star called Saru-Sichr.

  8. The opening here leads to the Boiler Room of the Luminous Bathhouse at #2.

  9. The wall here can be opened up with either a Strength check of 16, or using a Hammer and Chisel. Doing so will set off an alarm and turn all the creatures here hostile, even if you previously came here disguised.

  10. The door to the Vault itself is here. The first step to opening it is to click on the lock next to it to begin a scripted interaction. Next, you'll need to either use the Translucent Crystal or make a Mechanics check of 12 to get it ready. The last step then requires using the combination learned either from the Tattered Note, or from the soul of the dead thief at #4, and then the door will open.

  11. Here is the Vault itself. One of the chests has the Harapo Epic needed for The Archmage's Vault Quest.

    The numerous other chests offer plenty of quality items, including:

  12. Here is the scrying pool. Arkemyr will be here with several Steelclad Constructs, but only after you complete the Quest called Bekarna's Folly.

    Arkemyr will reward you with 5,000cp and a Grimoire called Arkemyr's Illuminating Discoveries for completing that Quest.

    If you're feeling it up to it, you can force-attack him to start a fight with him and his Constructs. This fight can be challenging even for higher level parties, as Arkemyr will keep himself buffed to the max and his Constructs dish out a lot of damage and have high Armor Ratings. He will leave behind Arkemyr's Grimoire should you succeed.

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