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Pillars of Eternity 2 Online Walkthrough by David Milward

Quests | Areas | Mega Bosses
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Armor: Cloth | Padded | Hide | Leather | Scale | Breastplates | Mail | Brigandine | Plate
Shields: Small | Medium | Large
Accessories: Helms | Amulets | Cloaks | Gloves | Rings | Belts | Boots
Fast 1-Handed Weapons: Clubs | Daggers | Flails | Hatchets | Rapiers | Stilettos
Large 1-Handed Weapons: Battle Axes | Maces | Spears | Sabres | Swords | War Hammers
2-Handed Weapons: Estocs | Great Swords | Morning Stars | Pikes | Pollaxes | Quarterstaves
Bows: Arbalests | Crossbows | Hunting Bows | War Bows
Firearms: Arquebuses | Blunderbusses | Pistols
Magical Implements: Rods | Scepters | Wands
Consumables: Bombs | Drugs | Figurines | Food | Poisons and Antidotes | Potions | Scrolls | Ungeants | Wardstones
Other: Grimoires | Miscellaneous Items | Pets | Quest Items | Trinkets
Crafting Ingredients: Enchantment Recipes | Gems | Parts | Plants

Morning Stars


Location: In Arkemyr's Laboratories at #7.
Enchantment: Superb.
Poison Dipped: 3 Corrosive Damage per 12 sec for 60 sec on Hit.
Death Sentence (exclusive from Paralytic) Paralytic (exclusive from Death Sentence)

The Willbreaker

Location: In a weapon rack at #6 in the Crookspur Dungeon.
Enchantment: Superb.
Relentless: +10% Action Speed, -3 Will for 30 sec on Hit (stacks 5 times).
Oppressive Fear: 25% chance of Shaken on Hit.
Battered Mind (exclusive from Unavoidable Demise) Unavoidable Demise (exclusive from Battered Mind) Make Them Flinch (exclusive from The Mind Makes Real) The Mind Makes Real (exclusive from Make Them Flinch)

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