Arkumeno Waidyo is a Druid and will be on the left side of the north stage. He'll have three Lurkers of various sorts near him, as well as an Arcane Ward.
Masumeno Waidyo will be on the right side of the stage. He'll have three Constructs of various sorts near him, as well as a Nature's Ward.
I found it easier to take missile shots at one of the Wards to force all of the enemies to leave the stage and come towards me. Use any Interrupting-resources, or any Affliction attacks that will prevent them spellcasting at your disposal. The Brothers are themselves quite squishy, as long as you minimize their spellcasting. The Constructs and Lurkers will be much easier to deal with afterwards.
Arkumeno Waidyo will leave behind a War Bow called Windsong after he falls.
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