A Wizard for the Crusade is trying to enthrall Water Elementals. Whom among them do you attack?
A wizard named Strunk will be at 15 in the Underground River, performing rituals to bind three Water Elementals to his will. If you wish to force a confrontation with him, which is easy as he'll take offence to many of the available dialogue options, you may wish to wait until there are no Crusade patrols nearby. They'll defend Strunk if they see you attack him.
If you attack only him and leave the Water Elementals alone, the Water Elementals will return to the river. He'll leave behind a Mage Robe of Cold Resistance and a Dagger called Elements' Fury +2. A Nereid will thank you for freeing the Elementals and give you the Purification Stone in gratitude.
If have a party member attack any of the Water Elementals even once before they return to the river, they will all go hostile and join the fight against you. That makes the fight harder, but they're worth 5,000xp each. The Nereid will sooner or later emerge and attack you as well. If you land the killing blow on her while she's on land, you'll be able to loot her corpse for the Purification Stone. If you kill her while she's still in the river (e.g., like with missile weapons), you won't be able to loot her body as it will be in the inaccessible river.
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