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Pillars of Eternity 2 Video-Based Walkthrough by David Milward

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Port Maje: Prologue | Vilario's Rest | Sea Cave | To Port Maje | Port Maje Harbor | Satahuzi | Kraken's Eye | Maje Island | Engwithan Digsite | Arena Sublevel | Gorecci Street | The Sloop

Gorecci Street

Maje Island

Oderisi's Notes

I click on Port Maje at #3 on the map of Maje Island, and select the Party Manager function. I switch out Mabel for Peredyne.

I travel directly to Governor Clario's Estate. Perdyne takes two abilities when she advances a level. One of them is Zealous Aura. I'll activate her Zealous Endurance modal, as a kind of foreshadowing for when Pallegina joins the party. She also takes Weapon & Shield Style, which is a natural choice for a tank character.

I give Oderisi's Notes to Governor Clario, and receive a reward of 4,000+ xp along with a promise to have my ship repaired. I then leave his estate through the front door.

*Evil* Oderisi's Notes

*Evil* Zarathos withholds Oderisi's Notes, and earns Shady disposition as a result.

He doesn't bother to buy anything for Aloth, because he's not a core party member. I'll get by with whatever Grimoire Aloth has during ship combat in the interim.

I also switch Aloth out for Peredyne, since I think I need a more robust party for the next couple of battles. She advances another level. I get her Weapon and Shield Style as an obvious choice, as well as Zealous Aura. I have her activate Zealous Focus so that the whole party enjoys a +5 bonus to Accuracy.

Port Maje Harbor


I am now at the door at #17 on the map of Port Maje Harbor. I go through the door at #14 and enter the Port Maje Jail.

I speak to Savia, who wants me to deal with a gang leader named Ilari. The conversation starts the Restoring Order Task.

I could leave through the exit at #16. But it's better to go south (collecting loot along the way) to the one at #7. The reason being that #16 would put me on the north side of Gorecci Street, and in immediate view of the very Looters that I'll need to defeat. The one at #7 will put me on the south side of Gorecci Street, out of their immediate view. And that will mean an opportunity to go into Stealth mode to sneak up on them and secure a more advantageous position to start the battle.

I switch out Xoti for Mabel once I do get to the exit at #7. I need Mabel's Perception to find a particular item, and her Whispers of Treason may come in handy.

I also buy a second Vailian Hullbreaker, which is now available after having given Oderisi's Notes to Governor Clario. Vailian Hullbreakers are a crucial part of the ship build that I have in mind for the good party.

I thereafter travel to Gorecci Street.

Gorecci Street

Protective Eothasian Charm

I arrive at #1 on the map of Gorreci Street. There will be several Looters up ahead.

The party collectively goes into Stealth mode. I position Alliria to the left corner of the patio on the house to the right, just left of the Wizard. Aloth positions himself just north of the Wizard. Eder positions himself just to the right of the Wizard. Peredyne positions herself at the top of the stairs of the patio. Mabel goes to the right of the house, and keeps herself out of immediate view to start the fight.

Alliria, once the fight starts, buffs herself with Spirit Shield and Arcane Veil. That allows her to absorb the initial missile fire from the Looters who are gathered around the well to the left of the house. Aloth activates Infuse with Vital Essence and Wizard's Double. Eder activates Tactical Barrage. The immediate goal is to take out the Wizard as quickly as possible. Eder uses Knockdown on the Wizard when I notice he's begun casting Jolting Touch. It works, and the Wizard is soon taken out.

Mabel comes in while still keeping her distance. She turns one of the Looters near the stairs with Whispers of Treason. She attacks whichever Looter the rest of the party is attacking to build her Focus back up. She then uses Phantom Foes on the enemies.

The strategy is otherwise one of ganging up on the Looters one by one, using healing resources when I need to. I eventually manage to wear down all the ones on the patio. I now slog my way to the left, and take out the archers.

There is a Protective Eothasian Charm in the well at #2. It requires a Perception check to find, which is why I brought Mabel along to begin with. I hold onto it for when Mirke joins.

I go back to the exit at #1, and switch Xoti back in for Mabel.

*Evil* Protective Eothasian Charm

The battle pretty much goes the same way for the evil party. The theme of sometimes trading positions so that a shield-wielding character faces missile fire from the archer instead of a more vulnerable character shows up here. Zarathos was sometimes getting hit hard, so I retreated him and had Eder take his position. Zarathos then went and quaffed a healing potion or two before weighing in again.

At one point Xoti was in danger of falling. So I hustled her to the other side of the house. It wasn't until the party collectively took some wounds that she came back and used a Restore that healed her as well.

I hold on to the Protective Eothasian Charm for Ydwin when she joins.

Spirits in Gorecci Street

I speak to the spirit at #4, and select the dialogue option of going into Xoti's lantern. Doing this for the spirits in the area will progress Xoti's personal Quest, The Lantern of Gaun.

I likewise have Xoti collect the spirit at #5 into her lantern. That's when she wants to speak to me again. At some point a good dialogue choice and an evil dialogue choice become available, and each has repercussions in terms of what epilogue Xoti will get at the end of the game. Alliria chooses the "relight the lanterns of Hel" option, choosing the rebirth aspect of Gaun, to encourage Xoti towards the light.

*Evil* Spirits in Gorecci Street

Zarathos chooses the "embrace the darkness" option with Xoti. It not only fits thematically with an evil playthrough, but it also leads to an upgrade for Xoti's Lantern that I want.


Ilari and his gang are at #6 on the map of Gorecci Street. There are a few ways to get him to leave peacefully:

But I prefer to kill him and his crew. It can be a tough fight. My first priority is to take out the Chanter. He can hit the party with invocations like The Thunder Rolled Like Waves on the Black Sea and At the Sound of His Voice, His Killers Grew Stiff. I surround the Chanter, with Xoti and Aloth to his right, and the others to his left. I then force-attack the Chanter to start things, although I had Eder hold back a bit, activate Tactical Barrage, and then try to Knockdown the Chanter. I eventually manage to kill him. It then becomes a matter of ganging up on the others one by one, using healing resources when necessary.

The loot includes Ilari's Cloak of Deflection, which was the reason I preferred to handle this encounter violently. Eder wears it as an interim cloak that raises his Deflection by +4, which helps his tanking abilities.

*Evil* Ilari

Xoti gets the Cloak of Deflection in the evil party.

Restoring Order

I go to the exit at #1 on the north side of Gorecci Street, and travel directly to the Port Maje Jail.

I inform Savia of having killed Ilari. I get 1,100cp and 2,400+ xp for completing the Restoring Order Task.

Peredyne takes Divine Purpose on her 4th level-up. It provides a +20 bonus to Defenses against attacks that cause Dexterity, Might or Resolve Afflictions.

Now it's time to get The Sloop back in working order.

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