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Pillars of Eternity 2 Video-Based Walkthrough by David Milward

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Neketaka: To Neketaka | Queen's Berth | Periki's Overlook | Serpent's Crown | The Sacred Stair | Brass Citadel | Return To Queen's Berth | Arkemyr's Manor | Return to Serpent's Crown

Periki's Overlook

Periki's Look


Serafen being in the party when they try to travel from Queen's Berth to another district for the first time means they'll run into Malnaj and her crew. She and Serafen obviously have some history together, and not a good one. She wants information on where to find Remaro. Alliria politely refuses, and shows camaraderie with Serafen as well. That impresses Serafen enough so that he gives Alliria the Cipher's Shackle after Malnaj leaves. I have Eder equip it as an interim amulet.

*Evil* Zarathos gives Malnaj the f-bomb, which also earns the esteem of Serafen.

*Evil* Cuitztli's Herbs

Either the good party or evil party will arrive at #1 on the map of Periki's Overlook. I enter Cuitztli's Herbs at #2. I steal some loot from her chest in the back room. She sells a LOT of crafting ingredients. I buy those that are not more than 3 in quantity and then leave.

*Good* The good party also visits Cuitztli's for the first time, but they don't buy anything. They're trying to save up to buy a Galleon, which is going to cost 90,000cp. The evil party doesn't mind a little spending now, as the Dhow is considerably cheaper at 31,500cp.

The Dark Cupboard, Level 1

The Dark Cupboard

I go a little northeast and enter The Dark Cupboard through the door at #3. A Vailian man named Bertenna steals something from the shop and leaves just as I walk in, and a Vailian woman curses at him.

Mirke goes into Stealth mode and starts stealing everything in sight. She lifts the Grimoire of Vaporous Wizardry from the bookcase at #4. Aloth keeps it in his personal stash for the time being. Its key benefit is that it provides a Wizard with an extra spell for each spell level. The drawback is that taking any Damage at all, even from Attacks that would otherwise not Interrupt, will interrupt a spellcasting. Aloth will at some point find a Helm that neutralizes that concern, and that's when he'll transfer the Grimoire to one of his quick-item slots for use. The spells that he does take on level-ups tend to be the ones that he may want to cast a third time during battle, but are not in the Grimoire itself.

I hold onto the Amulet of Health for Xoti as an interim amulet.

A weapon rack holds an Exceptional Scale Armor, which Alliria wears on an interim basis, as well as an Exceptional Small Shield.

A rack at #7 holds a Quarterstaff called The Spine of Thicket Green. I hold onto it for Fassina when she joins.

A locked chest at #3 has the Ring of Focused Flame. Mirke needs a Thief's Putty to get the chest open. Alliria wears the ring for the rest of the game. The +10 bonus to any Attacks that have the Fire-keyword make it a no-brainer for a Kind Wayfarer / Blood Mage. That bonus to Accuracy will apply White Flames (Flames of Devotion) and Sacred Immolation from her Paladin abilities. And it will apply to Fireball, a spell she can cast repeatedly as a Blood Mage.

Alliria then speaks to Fassina at #2, who explains that Bertenno has stolen an item called Rokowa's Fingers. She needs those gloves back, because the proprietor, Arkemyr the archmage, will be really upset if he learns of their disappearance. Alliria offers to help recover them.

I leave out the door after all that.

*Evil* Serafen wears the Exceptional Scale and the Amulet of Health in the evil party. Zarathos holds onto the Ring of Focused Flame for Maia.

Blade of the Endless Paths

Now I go a little southeast and through the door at #13.

I am now in Marihi's Metalworks. Alliria speaks with Marihi, and shows her the Fragments of the Blade of Endless Paths and the Fragments of Whispers of Yenwood. The available choices are:

I'll begin by saying that despite the buildup provided by Marihi, the Whispers of the Endless Paths is not that impressive a weapon. The direct attack from the weapon itself does half the damage of a usual Great Sword. And the area-of-effect of its cone is very small. There is ONE set up that would make it actually worthwhile. And that is if an Ascendant Cipher can reach the Ascended state on maximized Focus in combination with the Shared Nightmare passive, and keep the Ascended state extended infinitely through Salvation of Time. The area of effect then becomes comparable to a Blast of Frost spell or something similar, and its cone can indeed dish out damage to a lot of enemies in a crowd.

I went with the Blade of the Endless Paths. It's an interim Estoc that I can give to Rekke when he joins.

I do this now, even though it costs 1,500cp, because having one of the weapons forged will force a Rest and the ending of any until Rest bonuses. I get this out of the way before I'm ready to set up my no Rest run.

A lot of the chests at this point are beyond Mirke's skill. But she can use a Thief's Putty to pry the one closest to the front door. She lifts an Emerald and a Sapphire while in Stealth mode.

Now I go back out the door.

*Evil* Whispers of Yenwood

Zarathos instead has the Whispers of Yenwood made, as an interim Sword for Serafen.

Degnos' Satchel

I go east and speak to Degnos at #18. He'd like the Watcher to recover his Satchel from inside the nearby Luminous Bathhouse, but without looking at any of its contents. The conversation starts the Sealed Fate Task. He also wants to rendezvous with the party in Queen's Berth, and departs.

Luminous Bathhouse, Level 1

I start off at #1 on the map of the first floor of the Luminous Bathhouse. I go up the stairs at #5.

Luminous Bathhouse, Second Floor

That brings me to #1 on the map of the second floor of the Bathhouse. Degnos' Satchel is in an armoire at #2.

I briefly step out the door at #3, and gather some Plants and a Pet cat named Noah.

I come inside to open Degnos' Satchel, and obtain Avetta's Seal and a Suspicious Letter which reveals Degnos' true intentions.

I go back down the stairs at #1.

Luminous Bathhouse, Level 1

*Evil* Udyne

I am back at the stairs at #8 on the map of the main floor of the Luminous Bathhouse. Now I speak to Udyne at #4. Zarathos chooses the Aggressive reply that threatens Udyne into telling what she knows, which also scores reputation with Serafen. An important objective for the evil party is for Zarathos to have two points of positive reputation with Serafen, as that will mean acquiring a hat that I can have one of the ship combatants wear.

She informs them that Remaro has set sail for Sayuka. The dialogue advances Serafen's personal Quest, A Sorcerer and a Gentleman.

I go through the door at #1 on the east side.

*Evil* Worthless Idiot

Now I pick up the Dog named Rasper at #23, and the cat named Jules at #19.

I recruit the Imp at #20 called Worthless Idiot to join my ship. He's only one of two Crew Members who can obtain 4 ranks in Navigator, and he's the one who's available early in the game. So it's an easy choice to recruit him.

I make my way to the door at #21.

*Evil* Tekehu Joins

Now I go through the door at #21 to enter the Watershaper's Guild.

Watershaper's Guild

I start off at #1 on the map of the Watershaper's Guild, but step ahead to witness an argument taking place at #2. Tekehu joins the evil party. I speak with him at length before leaving the Guild.

I level him up after leaving the Guild. He takes Nature's Mark on his 2nd level-up. It's one of those 1st-level spells that has lasting value throughout the game, as it applies a -10 debuff to both Deflection and Reflexes for enemies.

He takes At the Sight of Their Comrades, Their Hearts Grew Bold on his 3rd level-up. It adds +10 to Fortitude and Will, and is another buff that can get extended endlessly by Salvation of Time.

He automatically gains The Cave Provided Shelter Throughout the Storm and Blizzard on his 4th level-up.

He also gains two new abilities. My first choice was One Dozen Stood Against the Power of the Saint. It's a phrase that provides Resistance to Constitution and Resolve Afflictions. Another buff that can get extended through Salvation of Time.

The other choice was Two-Weapon Style. The +20% bonus to Action Speed will benefit Tekehu, either when he fights as a Shark in Spiritshift form, or when he dual-wields his Scimitar and Wand.

He takes Wildstrike Corrode at 5th level-up. The Spiritshift power can also be extended with Salvation of Time, so it is worthwhile to invest in increasing its power. I went with the one that offered bonus Corrosive Damage, since not a lot of monsters have high Armor or immunity to Corrosive Damage.

Lastly, he takes Taste of the Hunt on his 6th level-up. It's a spell that basically functions as one Primary Weapon Attack, but it inflicts extra Raw Damage over time and also recovers some Health for the Druid. It doesn't sound like a big deal at first. But things come into place once I can put the Brilliant Inspiration on him and extend that and his Spiritshift form indefinitely through Salvation of Time. He can make the attack over and over again as the Brilliant Inspiration will recoup his spells. I script his AI so that he'll use it for when his enemy is both in melee range and he has an Intellect Inspiration.

I also take his Watershaper's Focus away from him, for I intend Ydwin to use it. I thereafter leave for Serpent's Crown.

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