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Pillars of Eternity 2 Video-Based Walkthrough by David Milward

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Forgotten Sanctum: Temple of Revelation | Restricted Section | The Enclosures | Spun Terrace | Hall of Reconfiguration | Assembly of Echoes | Quarantined Section | The Oratory of Wael | The Upper Bowels | The Heart of the Mystery

Restricted Section

The Central Stacks

Circulation Library

I start off at #1 and briefly converse with a Librarian, who sets out the rules for the Archives.

I go west and soon have Mirke enter Stealth mode. I want to steal all the books and other items that I can from the shelves in the western part of the Central Stacks, as some of them will be needed to make progress. Sometimes Mirke's Stealth skill will be good enough for her to lift them undetected. But once in a while she could use a little help. The stacked books at points marked #2 can be tipped over. Nearby Librarians will converge on the fallen books to put them back on the table. That buys Mirke a window to steal everything.

The books I need are the The History of Eora, Volume II: The Tribe of the People of the Deer at #6, and The History of Eora, Volume IV: The Founding of Readceras at #8.

A bookshelf at #7 has the Maintenance Log - Flesh Construct Controller, which may be useful during the Under Observation Quest.

A shelf at #9 has An Infested Almanac of Crop Rotation, along with several random items. But it has a trap that requires high Perception to detect. So Mirke briefly wears the Maw of Ingimyrk for the +2 Perception, detects the trap and then disarms it.

Now I go to the room at #12. The door on the north side of the room is magically sealed. Before the door will be a rune device flanked by two lecterns. The lecterns themselves provide clues as to what needs to be placed on them.

I place The History of Eora, Volume IV: The Founding of Readceras on the left lectern, and The History of Eora, Volume II: The Tribe of the People of the Deer on the right lectern. I then click on the rune device to open the door.

But first, I craft enough Sparkcrackers so that Mirke can fill all of her quick-item slots with them. I then go up the stairs to the Restricted Section.

*Evil* Circulation Library

Zarathos just prefers to slaughter the whole lot of the Librarians and then open the way to the Restricted Section.

Restricted Section

Restricted Section

I start off at #1 on the map of the Restricted Section. I grab The History of Eora, Volume V: The Great Orlan Empire from the shelf at #2.

I am determined to get what I need without killing any of the Librarians. It is possible to avoid a first fight with the ultimate enemy during the expansion, and that requires avoiding killing any of the Librarians here. I ultimately lose that possibility later on, but I show the possibility of avoiding any killing here for interest's sake.

So Mirke goes into Stealth mode again and heads south. She manages to get The History of Eora, Volume X: The Man Who Would Be Skaen from the shelf at #4 easily enough.

The room to the east is a tough nut to crack, because there's several Librarians packed together into a small space. This is one of the spots where the Sparkcrackers come in handy. Mirke tosses one just as one of the Librarians goes east from the door, and with the objective of keeping him distracted and going further to the center of the room. That buys her enough time to lift the Warden Contract (which may come in handy later) from the shelf at #7, and get back out the door.

I throw another to keep that same Librarian in the northwest corner. I go east just as another Librarian goes a little more into the northeast corner. I then throw another one into the southeast corner, which draws away the northeast Librarian and gives me time to lift The History of Eora, Volume IX: The Birth of Engwith from the shelf at #8. The northwest Librarian went a little east just as the second one went off, so he heads to the southeast corner as well. That gives me a break and I go west and safely out of the room. Mirke regroups with the rest of the party.

Now the entire party goes into Stealth, goes north, and takes The History of Eora, Volume VII: The Three Body Agreement from the shelf at #9.

The room at #10 has four lecterns, two to the left of a device, and two to the right of the device. Opening the door at #11 requires placing the volumes in the following order from left to right ...:

... and then activating the device.

The problem is that there's a Librarian standing directly in front of the device.

Alliria, Aloth and Eder sneak to the door at #11.

Mirke hands her Sparkcrackers over to Aloth. She then sets down the books in their proper order.

Aloth uses the Sparkcrackers one at a time to draw the Librarian further and further away from the device. I actually draw the Librarian as far as the shelf at #9. The reason for this insistence is that there will be a time lag after using the device during which the Librarian starts to walk back to the device. Anyone who's at the device after just using one or two Sparkcrackers to get him to the other side of the room is likely to get caught red-handed by him, and he'll call upon his allies to attack.

It is only after I have drawn him a good distance away that Mirke activates the device to open the door at #11, and has time to sneak away from the device. Aloth and herself sneak around the Librarian and regroup with the rest of the party near the door.

I now go down the stairs at #12.

*Evil* Warden Contract

Zarathos of course just prefers to slaughter all of them. I manage to overcome the first group in the southwest corner with the Salvation of Time-Ancestor's Memory loop.

The group in the room at #8 requires a different strategy. They can bombard the party with multiple damaging spells that can render party members unconscious before I can properly set up the loop. Xoti had a Scroll of Great Maelstrom before I entered the Restricted Section. I also found a Scroll of Meteor Shower and a Scroll of Storm of Holy Fire from the book shelves after the first fight.

So now I employ a bombardment and hit and run strategy. I keep the party out of view from the room at #8 for the time being. Xoti goes on ahead and uses the Scroll of Meteor Shower first. It has a large area of effect, but a short casting range. So I use it first so that I can retreat and avoid getting hit by it myself. It is once the enemies have crowded together that I am willing to face them directly, which is to say both groups can see each other through the door. That's when Xoti hits them with her Scroll of Storm of Holy Fire and her Scroll of Great Maelstrom. Tekehu will of course hit them with bombs. I retreat thereafter, and sometimes have to get the party out of a Malignant Cloud spell, while letting the unleashed powers of my scrolls do their thing. The strategy ultimately works as the enemy spellcasters will not themselves have a lot of Health, and will go down quickly.

*Evil* Shea's War Staff

The evil party likewise kills the Librarian, the Naga Guardian, the Steelspine Warrior, the Ancient Fampyr Priest and the Steelclad Construct. The Librarian leaves behind Shea's War Staff. It might have a certain appeal to multi-class characters designed to both cast spells and fight in melee, as Critical Hits with it will generate Concentration. And the Channeled Strike enchantment can improve the chances of a Critical Hit after casting a spell. It didn't fit into any of my plans though.

The evil party likewise goes down the stairs at #12 after activating the rune device.

The Central Stacks

Missile Gloves

I am now at #13 on the map of the Central Stacks. Mirke puts on the Maw of Ingimyrk and goes ahead south.

The room at #16 has a few traps. It also has several Catalog Records that hint at the locations of other recorded writings, as well as a Pet cat named Boras.

The room at #14 has several Enchanted Armors. They won't attack unless I trip any of the traps in the room, which Mirke disarms. She also grabs a few random items, as well as a pair of Missile Gloves.

The party continues south and uses the lever at #17 to open the door at #18. And from there I return to the stairs at #1.

Temple of Revelation

That brings me to #12 on the map of the Temple of Revelation.

I go west to the other side of the Temple. The dead body of a Vithrack at #3 has a note called Reminder: Protect the Assets.

The stairs at #4 lead to The Enclosures.

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