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Pillars of Eternity 2 Video-Based Walkthrough by David Milward

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Kangati Islands: Queen's Berth | Periki's Overlook | Serpent's Crown | The Sacred Stair | To the Kangati Islands | Tangaloa Island | Port Maje | Southern Karatapu Island

Periki's Overlook

Shopping in the Dark Cupboard

I switch out Serafen and Konstanten for Aloth and Pallegina, and then travel directly to the Dark Cupboard.

The Dark Cupboard, Level 1

That brings me to #1 on the map of The Dark Cupboard. I now have a Pelt and an Adra Ban, along with other crafting ingredients. So now I add the Ghost in White enchantment to Aloth's Pale Hide armor. It raises the chance of converting a Hit to a Graze from 15% to 20%.

The good party has quite a bit of money from its seafaring combats, so now I speak to the Imp at #2 to buy up crafting ingredients along with some other items. One of them is a Grimoire called Jernaugh's Careful Calamities. It will be Aloth's Grimoire of choice when I want to conduct battles according to a crowd-control and damaging spell strategy. The Slicken spell is the primary method of crowd-control. Malignant Cloud and Ninagauth's Freezing Pillar provide the offensive spells for once crowd-control is set up. Kalakoth's Minor Blights provides an option for a ranged main-hand weapon. Wall of Draining provides the buff extender.

I also purchase Llengrath's Martial Masteries. This will be Aloth's Grimoire of choice for much of the game when he needs to prepare himself for Melee combat. Ironskin provides +5 Armor up until he gets Hit 10 times. And that can be avoided with high-Defenses and chances to reduce Hits to Grazes. Llengrath's Displaced Image provides +10 Deflection, +20 Reflexes, and a 30% chance to reduce any Hit to a Graze.

I also buy the Belt called Spellkeeper for Aloth. It can produce Scrolls once a Rest. But the real point is that it provides +5 to all Defenses against spells.

I also buy what will be Pallegina's shield for the rest of the game, Lethandria's Devotion. The Block modal for Medium Shield provides a 30% chance to avoid any Weapon attack outright, which makes it worthwhile. The key point for Pallegina is that it heals 1 point of Health every 6 seconds. And that 1 point can be expanded through her bonuses to Healing and Might. It's another source of Healing that's in addition to what will be provided by her Ancient Memory Phrase and her Zealous Endurance Paladin Aura. I added the Lustrous Crystal enchantment, which costs two Sapphires but provides a 15% chance to outright avoid any Intellect Affliction. And I may rely on Pallegina to keep the rest of the party safe from Intellect Afflictions with the Set To Their Purpose, They All Knew Their Part Invocation. I also add the Sheltering Light enchantment, so that the passive Healing aura also adds +5 to all Defenses besides Deflection. And that in particular can help Aloth maintain his Defenses.

I go back out the door at #1.

Periki's Look

That brings me to the door at #3 on the map of Periki's Overlook. I go through the door at #2, buy up crafting ingredients from Cuitztli, and then leave.

*Evil* Obsidian Wurm

I travel to Cuitztli's herb store, and buy some crafting ingredients (only those available in quantities of 3 or less for now).

I also stop off at The Dark Cupboard and buy some more ingredients there. Now I take the opportunity to use the Critter Cleaver at #6. I sacrifice both the Dog named Pes and the Obsidian Wurm. I merge them together into the same pet, with the Obsidian Wurm providing the sleeve or skin, and the bonuses being the same as had been provided by Pes.

Adratic Glow

I go east and through the door at #15.

Luminous Batthouse, Level 1

That brings me to #1 on the west side of the map of the first floor of the Luminous Bathhouse.

I speak to the Steward at #5. The rate for taking a bath is 1,000cp. But Alliria makes an Insight check of 4, and then a combined check of Diplomacy 4 and Streetwise 4. That brings the rate down to 900cp.

I make sure everyone, both core party alike and ship combatants alike, take a bath to get Adratic Glow. It adds +1 of all the character's first-tier class resources. If the character is multi-class, Adratic Glow provides a bonus +1 1st-tier resource for both classes.

I leave out the door at #1 on the east end with a party that includes Alliria, Eder, Pallegina, Rekke and Mirke.

Periki's Look

Iolfr's Raiments

Now I go east and through the door at #22 to enter Iolfr's Raiments.

Mirke unlocks the chest and steals Ngati's Girdle from it while in Stealth mode. Rekke wears it for the rest of the game. The bonus to Athletics and Crushing Armor Rating are nice. But the key point is that his build is based in part on encouraging Critical Hits against him, to replenish Discipline through the Toughened Fury passive that he will acquire later on. He does have several activated builds that expend Discipline that I want him to use generously through the ship combat A.I. Having an item like this, to make enemies pay the price for those Critical Hits, fits nicely with the build.

I buy two items from Iolfr as well. One of them is the Burglar's Gloves, which Eder wears for the rest of the game. The +2 to Mechanics will increase the assist bonus for when Mirke needs to open locks or disarm doors. I can even in a pinch lend the Gloves to Mirke if she needs them for a particularly difficult door or trap. The +2 bonus to Athletics will make him that much more capable of Athletics checks during scripted interactions. It will also help raise his Deflection a little more while wearing the Gloves in conjunction with the Cadhu Scalth shield that he will obtain later on.

The other item I buy is a cloak called Three Trolls Stitched. Pallegina wears it for the rest of the game. The +5 Health regenerated every 12 seconds will be increased by her bonuses to Healing and Might, and will be in addition to the other Healing abilities she keeps active. It helps improve her own personal resiliency, even with the penalties to Burning and Corrosive Armor Rating.

Serpent's Crown is my next destination.

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