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Pillars of Eternity 2 Video-Based Walkthrough by David Milward

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Burning Shoals: Neketaka | Bekarna's Observatory | Cleft Island | Motare O Kozi | Ofecchia Channel Islands

Motare O Kozi

World Map

*Evil* The Hungry Shoals

I switch Tekehu back in for Rekke. The evil party sails southeast and boards a Huana Master Captain.

I sail to the Hungry Shoals at #39. Nothing less than a perfect Helmsman check of 4 from Llendreth suffices to get me past the Shoals without a hitch.

Motare Island

*Evil* Maketau Landing

I land at #2 on the map of Motare Island. Maketau Landing is at #3.

A Survival check of 4 or a Perception check of 15 will detect an unusual quiet that suggests a waiting ambush. Going ahead or charging in waving your weapons (which the evil party does) are choices that will both result in a fight with Wahaki warriors. The fight itself is easy. I afterwards find the Wahaki Missive, which indicates that the warriors were under orders to kill the Watcher.

The Burial Ground at #4 has a Soulbound Arquebus called Blightheart, along with some random items. Blightheart can be a potent item for the right character. It heals its wielder a percentage of the damage it causes. Its 20% chance of causing Corrosive Damage in a cone can harm both friend and foe alike. It can be a stat stick for a damage-casting Wizard, since it adds +10% Corrosive Damage to any damaging spell. My problem with it is that obtaining its last upgrade requires making 10 Empowered Attacks, which rules it out for a no Rest run.

I make my way towards Motare O Kozi at #5.

Maketau Landing

Alliria holds her hands out in a gesture of peace after making the Survival check of 4. Conversation with the leader of the Wahaki, Embeta, starts shortly after that.

She follows that up with a Diplomacy check of 4 to keep the conversaton going. An Intimidate check of 5 would have worked too. Another possibility would have been to choose the Aggressive option to attack them.

She has an extended conversation with Embeta, and learns about the nature of the island and that it has apparently become corrupted.

Embeta is still reluctant to let her though. So she makes an Intimidation check of 7 to make him stand aside. Alternatives are possible based on having 3 positive points of reputation with the Huana, or the Watcher being a Druid, or having completed the Principi Quest called A Shrewd Proposition can all convince their leader, Etemba, to let you pass peacefully.

Motare O Kozi

*Evil* Baltia

The evil party starts off at #1 on the map of Motare O Kozi. A Vailian woman named Baltia is ensnared in some strangling vines at #2.

I question her at length before resolving to free her. A Might check of 16 can do it. A Druid like Tekehu uses his powers to deprive the vines of any water, and weakens them enough to free her. I accept Baltia as a new crew member. She starts off with only a single rank in Cannoneer. That means she can attain a perfect 4 ranks in Cannoneer. I have her take up the third and last cannon slot on my Dhow, and keep Nia as a spare. I kept a spare slot open precisely with this moment in mind.

*Good* Fassina likewise uses her Druid powers to free Baltia. And I likewise take on Baltia as a Cannoneer for the same reasons.


For some reason Alliria is forced into Watcher-only checks. She's obviously not a Druid, so she somehow has to make the Might 16 check. Pallegina lends her Gauntlets of Ogre Might and Chameleon's Touch to Alliria. Fortunately, I also haven't sold any of my Pets. So Alliria now briefly has Hati equipped in her Pet slot. That puts her Might at 16 and allows her to free Baltia. Baltia likewise becomes one of the dedicated Cannoneers for the ship.

I return the items to Pallegina after that.

Golden Inner Ring

Alliria will use her Watcher powers to access the memories of slain expedition members at points marked #3, that is when the good party can get close enough to them without any hostile creatures noticing.

Fassina goes into Stealth mode and gets close to the tree at #4 without any hostile creatures noticing. She then clicks on it and heals the tree as a Druid. Any character with The Spine of Thicket Green fully upgraded can heal the tree. Only a Druid or a character with The Spine of Thicket Green who clicks on the tree will have an opportunity to heal the tree during the scripted interaction. That's why I had Fassina sneak ahead to approach the tree.

Healing the tree also heals the nearby Pwgra, and returns her to her former Delemgan form. She'll no longer be hostile, and neither will the creatures serving as her minions. That means I'll have free run of at least the eastern side of Motare O Kozi. The Delemgan indicates the possibility of healing her mother, and thus healing the entire forest as well.

I continue north to #5 and defeat several Corrupted Tigers and Cave Bats and Cave Grubs. I get the Golden Inner Ring from #6, which is needed for The Last Sanctuary Quest.

*Evil* Golden Inner Ring

The evil party just prefers to slaughter everything in sight en route to getting the Golden Inner Ring.

Lil' Babs

The good party continues towards the southwest corner. The tree at #7 is tougher to approach. There's just too many monsters just to its east. A Corrupted Tiger prevents any approach from its north side. A couple of Bog Oozes patrol its west side. But Fassina can't quite get past them on her own. She equips some Sparkcrackers in a quick-item slot, and uses one to draw the Oozes away from the tree.

She now approaches it, clicks on it, and heals it. The second Pwgra reverts back to a Delemgan, and the creatures in the southwest area are no longer hostile. The tree itself has a Ring of Minor Deflection.

The party continues further towards the southwest corner. They find a Pet cat named Lil' Babs at #8.

*Evil* Lil' Babs

The evil party slaughters the second Pwgra and her minions as well.

Wooden Spider Figurine

Fassina repeats the process for the tree and Pwgra at #9. It's much easier this time since far fewer creatures are near the tree.

The chest at #10 has the Wooden Spider Figurine.

The Rotted Lady

The good party goes to speak to the Rotted Lady at #11. Her natural disposition is to attack. And killing her, along with the Assassin Vines and Troll that protect her would certainly clear the way to completing the Quest in violent fashion.

It is possible to resolve things with her peacefully, even if you previously killed the Pwgras and / or their trees at points marked #4, #7 and #9. Although since Fassina did heal the Pwgras' trees and turned them back into Delemgans, they'll add voices of support for you for purposes of letting Alliria try to heal the tree.

Alliria indicates a willingness to heal the tree. A Diplomacy check of 8 gets her foot in the door, although an Alchemy check of 7 would have worked as well. A Druid like Tekehu, had he been in the party, can also help matters along during the dialogue.

The Rotted Lady will still cling to the belief that the tree and the rest of the grove are still vibrant and healthy. The Honest reply, or saying you have no way to heal the tree, will provoke her into attacking you. Alliria uses the Benevolent reply to convince the Rotted Lady to give her a chance to heal the tree at #12.

Trying to heal the tree begins a scripted interaction. Destroying the tree will of course make her and her minions attack you.

A Druid like Tekehu or Fassina will be able to speak to the tree and convince it to give up its corruption. Alternatively, the Watcher character can investigate the tree and then use his or her Watcher powers to feed soul essence to the Adra Pillar inside the tree to heal it. Alliria uses the The Spine of Thicket Green to absorb the corruption out of the tree.

Healing the tree turns The Rotted Lady into The Green Lady, who won't attack the party. If any of her daughters had remained hostile Pwgras, she would have indicated that she won't interfere if the Watcher needs to kill them.

Fassina obtains three abilities on her 16th level-up. One of them is Sunlance, which she automatically gains as an Animist. It can be an effective single-target strike spell that can be used at very long distance.

She also takes Garden of Life. It can become a powerful source of healing for the particular situation of where you've already managed to pile up some dead bodies. Casting the spell over those dead bodies turns each of them into sources of healing pulses that tick every 3 seconds. And it can make itself felt if Fassina casts it partway through a very crowded ship battle. It will also benefit from the bonus Power Levels to spells with the Plant keyword provided by The Spine of Thicket Green, and Fassina's bonuses to Healing.

She also takes Improved Critical. It improves Critical Hit Damage by 10%, including for offensive spells.

The tree at #12 has two items. One of them is the Golden Outer Ring, which is needed for The Last Sanctuary Quest.

The other is a Medium Shield called Nerian's Ward. Aloth equips it for the rest of the game. It provides Damage Reduction against Weapon Damage that increases as the wielder has less and less Health. The real point is that I spend an Adra Ban to add the Father's Masterwork enchantment to it. That means a Critical Hit has a 15% chance of being reduced to a Hit, a Hit has a 15% chance of being reduced to a Graze, and a Graze has a 15% chance of being reduced to a Miss. Combine that with the 30% chance to avoid any Attack provided by the Medium Shield modal, and the shield itself really helps to get the most mileage out of spell defenses like Wizard's Double and Ironskin. I also increase its enhancement from Exceptional to Superb, and then to Legendary.

*Evil* The Rotted Lady

The evil party slaughters The Rotted Lady and the last Pwgra together, along with all of their minions. And the process does involve the Salvation of Time-Ancestor's Memory loop.

*Evil* Huana Chart

I go to the stone disk at #13, which is the key goal of The Last Sanctuary Quest. You can make a Mechanics check of 4 to gain some insight into it.

I insert the Golden Inner Ring and the Golden Outer Ring into it.

There are four symbols, each of which must be aligned with the wheel of the disc one at a time, and in the proper order. Pushing the disc down after each selection affirms your choice of that symbol on a given turn. Getting the symbols in the wrong order can result in Injuries to the Watcher. The correct order is:

Getting the order right results in you getting the Huana Chart.

Zarathos destroys the golden disc. Tekehu is outraged, but I don't lose any reputation with him. *Good* Alliria leaves the Golden Disc without damaging it.

Xoti takes Quick Summoning on her 17th level-up. It helps her summon her fire and ice manifestations faster, once she gets The Dichotomous Soul power.

Either the evil party or the good party will now return to their ship.

Benevolent Aegis

I switch Eder back in for Fassina. A Rauatian Junk ship called the Benevolent Aegis, led by Captain Pai, now approaches. He wants to take the Huana Chart from you, and for the Royal Deadfire Company.

You can choose to attack him, either through naval combat or by boarding ship, at the outset. Choosing to parley instead opens up different options:

There's also another option which the evil party uses.

I next board a Huana Expert Captain. I then sail northeast and board a Principi Expert Captain.

*Evil* Benevolent Aegis

I temporarily switch out Tekehu for Maia.

Zarathos gives the Huana Chart to Captain Pai. That earns reputation with the Royal Deadfire Company and with Maia. It would have lost reputation with Tekehu had he been in the party.

I sail east and attack a Principi Master Captain. All of its guns are long-range, and don't cover the 0-200m range. I therefore close in and turn my Magranite Flamethrowers on it, and end up sinking it outright.

Now I set sail for the Ofecchia Channel Islands.

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