Given to you by Reyna at 5 in the Planar Sphere if you are a Mage, you accept the Planar Sphere as your stronghold, and you help the Knights of Solamnia get back to their home plane (Mage Stronghold quests).
Imoen's Belt
Prevents Imoen from dying while in Irenicus' Dungeon.
Cannot be removed from Imoen.
Part of Imoen's starting equipment when you meet her in Irenicus' Dungeon at the start of Shadows of Amn.
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"*KNOW THIS: There is nothing on ALL the PLANES that can STAY the hand of JUSTICE when it is brought against them. It may unmake ARMIES. It may sunder the thrones of GODS. Know that for all who BETRAY justice, I am their FATE. And fate carries an EXECUTIONER'S AXE.*" -Vhailor, Planescape: Torment