Speak to Pietro at #6 on the map of King's
Coffin. He swallowed a large gemstone to hide it from pirates who
boarded his ship. But now he's having trouble "expelling it". He'd like
your help in that regard. He believes Rosenella in the Radiant Court can
come up with a concoction to help solve his problem.
The Radiant Court is on
the east side of Dunnage. Speak
to Rosanella at #4 on the map of Radiant
Court. She'll offer to concoct Ondra's Bile for Pietro, but it
requires special ingredients. They are a Rotten Hagfish, an Unripened
Palm Stone, and Fire Kelp Extract.
You can purchase the Unripened Palm Stone
from Birna at #2, or steal it from the crate near her.
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"*KNOW THIS: There is nothing on ALL the PLANES that can STAY the hand of JUSTICE when it is brought against them. It may unmake ARMIES. It may sunder the thrones of GODS. Know that for all who BETRAY justice, I am their FATE. And fate carries an EXECUTIONER'S AXE.*" -Vhailor, Planescape: Torment