Throughout this Thaig you will find two types of enemies. One type are packs of Deep Stalkers. They aren't particularly tough, and don't have a whole lot of health. But what they have going for them are sheer numbers, and long distance spit attacks that can stun or slow you down. This makes taking them out quickly advisable. The other type will be hordes of Darkspawn. Occassionally, you may run into Deep Stalkers and Darkspawn battling each other, which gives you the opportunity to get the jump on both groups with long-distance spells or missile attacks.
There will be several Darkspawn here led by a Hurlock Emissary. The Emissary will probably leave behind a random Brilliant Crystal as well as the Blood-Forged Amulet.
A nearby crystal cluster will have a random Brilliant Crystal.
Here will be another group of Darkspawn, this time led by a Genlock Alpha.
Throughout this expanse will be various groups of Darkspawn and Deep Stalkers, often fighting each other. You will also find several chests and crates that yield random items.
Here will have to fight an Ogre Alpha and several Shrieks. Concentrate your damaging efforts on the Ogre, while trying to keep the Shrieks out of it with abilities like Captivating Song or Waking Nightmare. The Ogre will leave behind the Cadash Stompers and a Remarkable Ruby.
Once the battle is done, there will be an enormous commemorative statue of a Dwarve standing armed with an axe. If Shale is in your party, a cutscene will ensue where she remembers something of her former life. This will earn a huge boost of approval with her.
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