Throughout this Thaig you will find two types of enemies. One type are packs of Deep Stalkers. They aren't particularly tough, and don't have a whole lot of health. But what they have going for them are sheer numbers, and long distance spit attacks that can stun or slow you down. This makes taking them out quickly advisable. The other type will be hordes of Darkspawn, usually Genlocks, but also Hurlocks occasionally. Each group you encounter will likely be led by an emissary.
After you slaughter the Genlocks here, there will be quite a few containers here. One of them is a chest that holds a Black Runestone that Alistair will appreciate as a gift.
Here is a Bloody Sack that contains a Bag of Limbs, which is part of the "Asunder" quest.
Here is a camp that has both Hurlocks and Genlocks. After you've defeated them, you'll find a few containers in them with random items.
Here is a room with several chests with random items in them. Make close to one of them, and you'll get ambushed by a massive wave of Deep Stalkers.
If you've sided with Vartag and Prince Bhelen, here you'll find Lord Dace and his warriors battling it out with several Deep Stalkers. Once you kill the first group, another massive wave of Deep Stalkers along with a Deep Stalker Leader. Once its all done and finished, speak with Lord Dace.
Speak to him about Lord Harrowmount's double dealing. If you want, you can use Persuade to get him to agree outright to cast his vote for Bhelen. Another option is to use Persuade to tell the merchants of Orzammar to give you a discount, although I'm not sure I actually noticed one. This won't effect you progressing your quest line involving Vartag and Bhelen. You also have the option to go with Lord Dace straight back to Orzammar, or to remain behind and explore some more. And there are indeed several containers in here with random loot.
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"Ahhh, night has laid her shroud upon us. A perfect time for a warm fire and a story to regale you all...were you not so distracted by pressing quests, that is." -Haer'Dalis, Baldur's Gate II