To begin this quest, you must first go to Bann Loren's Lands, which are located on #22 of the World Map. When you arrive, you'll notice a loner being accosted by several armed men. Whether or not you intervene and fight them is up to you. Either way, their leader will stab him first before either leaving or fighting you. When you speak to him, he reveals that he was a member of Cailan's honor guard. He intimates that it is important for the Grey Wardens to get to Cailan's royal arms chest in Ostagar, both for the powerful sword it holds as well as correspondence between Cailan and the Empress of Orlais that are perhaps best left secret. This then makes your Return to Ostagar possible.
Here is your initial entry point, and the way back to the World Map. You will of course be greeted by a few Darkspawn that will attack you on sight.
Around here you should find a charred corpse that holds the Mage's Key.
Here you'll have to battle several Darkspawn, led by a Hurlock Strider. The Strider leaves behind Cailan's Greaves, which is part of Cailan's armor set.
Besides a few containers with random items, you'll also find lying on the floor the Joining Chalice that your Grey Warden will have drunk Darkspawn blood out of during the Joining Ritual. Alistair will appreciate the chalice as a gift.
Here you'll have to fight a lot of Darkspawn, which will include a Genlock Forgemaster and a Hurlock Alpha among their numbers.
Here you'll find the forge left behind by the Quartermaster, only that the Darkspawn have turned it into some sort of profane idol.
Here is Duncan's bonfire, which the Darkspawn have apparently gone out of their way to defile.
If you search around here, you'll notice the bodies of a couple of Mabari hounds. One of them has a Firestone Harness. The other has a Swiftrunner Warpaint.
Once you explore this area for a bit, you'll get attacked by a wave of Blight Wolves. Once they're done, another horde of Darkspawn will attack, led by a Hurlock Vanguard. Have an archer and/or mage take out the Hurlock Emissary as quickly as possible. Have your melee fighters take out the supporting Darkspawn warriors before concentrating on the Vanguard. The Vanguard will leave behind Cailan's Shield.
There will be a few containers around here with random items in them. A crate here will have the Repeater Gloves (Inscribed).
Along the southern edge of Ostagar will be several Darkspawn ready to attack you, including a few Genlocks who will periodically fire the Ballistas at you.
Here is Cailan's chest, which contains Maric's Blade, and Secret Correspondence between King Cailan and Empress Celene of Orlais that may suggest that Celene was trying to re-establish Orlesian dominance over Ferelden through a method other than military conquest.
Here you'll find King Cailan's body, nailed to a wooden cross in apparent crucifixion-style. A Genlock Necromancer will appear, and summon a few Skeletons before leaving. Hurlock warriors and archers will then attack you from both ends of the bridge.
Here you'll have to fight several Darkspawn, including a Hurlock Strategist, who is actually a spellcaster. He'll leave behind Cailan's Gauntlets.
When you make your way through the Tower of Ishal, and the adjoining Darkspawn Tunnels, this is where you'll end up. For what happens here, refer to the page on the Darkspawn Tunnels.
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