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Beren's Walkthrough of SoD

Discussion in 'BG:EE - Siege of Dragonspear' started by Gallowglass, Feb 24, 2025 at 6:36 AM.

  1. Gallowglass Gems: 3/31
    Latest gem: Lynx Eye


    Mar 10, 2004
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    I've just found this in SP Resources and read through it, although it was uploaded a few weeks ago.

    Coongratulations on a lovely job, @Beren! Clearly a great deal of work went into this, and the layout and navigation shows the benefit of your prior experience in writing walkthroughs.

    It's pretty comprehensive, as obviously you intended, but I noticed a few minor details missing. I'll try to get around to compiling a list for you. (One example which is still sticking in my mind: in Ch. 7, there's an additional subquest at the Flaming Fist headquarters which you overlooked - outside the walls, up the alleyway at the E side, there are a couple of lads being hassled by over-zealous Fists, who offer a reward for a rescue ... iirc, their appearance is time-of-day-dependent, so it's easy to miss this one.) There are also a couple of conditionally-available dialogue responses missing, and a couple of mis-spelt names, and other minor stuff, but I'll have to read through it all again and make some notes to remember these other details.

    You get a little hasty towards the end, perhaps understandably after all that work. One late detail which would help significantly, though, would be to list the successive groups of enemies encountered on the Lift in the Basalt Tower - that helps a player to know when s/he's nearly reached the top and might want to apply some short-duration buffs just before the Final Battle.

    But anyway, very well done, this is now the best walkthrough of SoD available.
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