This is where you first enter, and also the way back to the World Map. When you first enter, you'll immediately get questioned by the Elven guards, and it is a matter of you talking them into letting you see their leader.
Here is the Keeper of the Dalish Elves, Zathrian, and his apprentice, Lanaya. To make things short, if you want the Dalish to pledge their allegiance to the Grey Wardens, you have to agree to eliminate the source of the curse that's driving the nearby Werewolves to attack the Elves, a great and ancient wolf named Witherfang. There is also a nearby chest that Lanaya does not want you to look in. It contains the Song Book, which can be used for trading with a nearby Mad Hermit. Lanaya won't have a problem with you opening the book after the quest has been resolved in favour of the Dalish Elves.
Incidentally, this tent is one of the Landmarks that the Mabari War Hound will be able to assert dominance over.
Here is an Elven hunter named Athras, who wants to find out what happened to his wife after the initial Werewolf ambush. Whether or not you accept his quest right away, you're bound to run into her sooner or later. If you bring him back his wife's Scarf, he'll express gratitude and give you Athras' Pendant as a reward.
Keep in mind that he will not trade with you if you acted to break up Cammen and Gheyna. You will also find a chest and a barrel nearby with random items.
If you stay on good terms with Varathorn, and you resolved this quest in favour of the Dalish Elves, and you completed both another treaty quest and the Redcliffe quest, then Varathorn is willing to sell you better items, including Elven Weaponry constructed from higher grade materials like Dragonbone, Silverite, and Red Steel. He will also sell trap recipes for Potent Health Poultice, Greater Nature Salve, Soulrot Bomb, Soulrot Coating, Soulrot Coating, Acidic Grease Trap, and Large Grease Trap.
More notable items that will then appear in his wares include:
Here is an Elven story-teller named Sarel, who is willing to provide some Elven history and lore, albeit somewhat grudgingly.
Here you will find a blonde Elven lad named Cammen, and a nearby red-headed Elven girl named Ghayna. Cammen is worried that he's being rejected by Ghayna because he hasn't proven himself as a full hunter yet.
You may need to use Persuasion to bring out the full story. You can offer to speak to Ghayna for him, or give him a Wolf Pelt (there's plenty to be had in the forest) in order to convince Ghayna to agree to betrothal. If you choose to go with speaking to Ghayna, you'll have to succeed on at least a couple of Persuasion checks with her. Either way, Ghayna and Cammen begin to romance each other. This will win approval from Leliana and Wynne, but disapproval from Morrigan, who expresses a desire to vomit. Cammen will give you the The Tale of Iloren in gratitude.
A cruel way to resolve this quest is to use your Persuasion ability to lie to Ghayna and convince her that Cammen considers her a waste of his time, or that he'll soon get into bed with her as an easy lay. This results in a permanent "It's over" for both of them. Cammen nonetheless is still willing to give you The Tale of Iloren. Doing this however will make the Dalish rather unfriendly towards you, and it may result in some either trying to chastise you or even refusing to speak with you. This in turn will mean disapproval from Leliana and Wynne, and approval from Morrigan.
Here is Elora, and a Halla, a deer-like creature that is integral to the Elven way of life. She's puzzled as to why the Halla is sick and unable to recover, and is fearful that the Halla will die. If your protagonist or another character has 3 ranks in the Survival skill, you can figure out that the Halla's agitation is due to her mate being injured. This gets you 200xp. Another route is for you to use your Persuasion ability to try and deceive Elora into believing that the Halla is terminally ill and suffering. If your lie doesn't work, then Elora will no longer speak with you and the quest ends. The other elves will lessen their esteem of you as well. If you pull it off though, Elora will kill the Halla and then give you Halla Antlers. You can then bring them to Valathorn so that he can craft them into the Halla Horn for you.
There will be quite a few chests with random items throughout the Camp. One of the ones here though will have a Love Letter as well as another random item.
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"Pfeh! A dank pool of base corruption, if ever there was one. If not for the Order, the gods would surely smite Man for such sins." -Anomen, Baldur's Gate II