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Pillars of Eternity 2 Online Walkthrough by David Milward

Quests | Areas | Mega Bosses
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Main Game: Main Quests | Character Quests | Side Quests | Tasks | Bounties
Faction Quests: Huana | Principi | Royal Deadfire Company | Vailian Trading Company
Expansions: Beast of Winter | Forgotten Sanctum | Seeker, Slayer, Survivor

Vailian Trading Company Quests: For The Republics! | Terms of Trade | A Glimpse Beyond | Dirty Laundry | Of Like Minds | Skipping Ahead | A Vote of No Confidence | Sabotage at the Brass Citadel

A Glimpse Beyond

The Sacred Stair

  1. One way to get this Quest is for Director Castol to give it to you after completing the Terms of Trade Quest.

  2. Entrances to the Spire of the Soul Seers are at #6 on the map of The Sacred Stair
  3. Spire of the Soul Seers

  4. You'll be at either #1 or #2 on the map of the Spire of the Soul Seers. The stairs at #3 lead to #1 on the map of the Rooftop of the Spire of the Soul Seers.
  5. Spire of the Soul Seers, Rooftop

  6. Speak to an Animancer named Flaune Elette at #3 on the map of the Rooftop of the Spire of the Soul Seers. She invites you to participate in an experiment that involves teleporting between adra pillars. If you do decide to participate, things don't quite work out as intended.

    *NOTE* You can also start the Quest by speaking to Flaune Elette before doing any other Quests for Director Castol or Lueva Alvari.
  7. Realm of the Beast of Winter

  8. You end up at #1 on the map of the The Realm of the Beast of Winter. You want to make your way to the southeast corner of the area. There will be the odd Scourging Blight to fight at points marked #2.

  9. Soul CollectorGo to #4, where you'll have to fight the Soul Collector along with several Scourging Blights. Take out the Blights first. The Soul Collector hits hard and can Enfeeble party members, but it also moves very slowly and attacks very slowly. It can also be Stunned or locked in place with crowd-control spells.

  10. Approach the face at #5. Rymrgand himself will speak to you. He will express a desire to destroy you. The Aggressive option that welcomes oblivion will indeed mean the death of the entire party and the end of the game. The "Wait!" and Stoic options will persuade him to let you live. He asks you to give a warning to the Animancers, and then opens the portal at #6.

  11. Go through the portal at #6, and you'll find yourself back in the presence of Flaune Elette. She'll give you 400cp for your troubles, and an xp reward. Completing this Quest triggers the Skipping Ahead Quest.

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