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Pillars of Eternity 2 Online Walkthrough by David Milward

Quests | Areas | Mega Bosses
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Main Game: Main Quests | Character Quests | Side Quests | Tasks | Bounties
Faction Quests: Huana | Principi | Royal Deadfire Company | Vailian Trading Company
Expansions: Beast of Winter | Forgotten Sanctum | Seeker, Slayer, Survivor

Beast of Winter Main Quests: An Honored Guest | To Rise And Decline | Death's Depthless Dominion | The Bridge Ablaze | The Drowned Kingdom | The Endless Queries
Beast of Winter Side Quests: Toasting the Dead | The Higher-Ups | The Last Pilgrimage

The Drowned Kingdom

The Drowned Kingdom

*Note* Here I show a pathway that both completes the Quest and obtains the Great Sword named The Twin Eels. It is based on both leaving a path clear of water that starts from the portal at #7 (north of the other #7) and runs east to the initial entrance at #1, prior to entering The Sunken Crown.

  1. You'll start off at #1 on the map of The Drowned Kingdom.

  2. Go a little north until you reach the portal at #2 that's a little more to the south. Go through it to reach the other portal at #2 that's more to the north.

    You'll speak for a little bit to the Frightened Aumaua at #3, which leads to a battle with a Soul Collector and three Drowned Berserkers.

  3. Do not use the conch at A for now. Instead go through the pool that's west of 3, which is drained as long as you don't use the conch at A.

  4. Go to #4 and fight the Soul Collectors and Drowned Berserkers there.

  5. Use the conch at B to drain the pool at 'b'.

  6. Go east and through the portal at #6, which brings you to the other #6 portal to the south.

  7. Click on and collect the Wandering Soul (#5) in the middle of the Drowned Kingdom, just a little south of the portal (#6) that you just came through.

    It's one of several soul fragments of the Huana King that you'll need.

  8. Go through the portal at #7 that's just a little west of the conch at B. You'll end up at the other #7 portal that's to the south.

  9. Go south and defeat the Scourge and Drowned Berserkers at #8.

  10. Go east and through the portal at #10.
  11. The Sunken Crown

  12. You'll now be at #1 on the map of The Sunken Crown.

    The submerged area at #6 will now be drained of water, and you can pass through.

  13. There will be some Drowned Berserkers to fight at #7.

  14. The Twin Eels will be in a sarcophagus at #8.

  15. Go north and defeat the Scourges and Wardens of Decay at #2.

  16. Now go through the portal at #4.
  17. The Drowned Kingdom

  18. You'll now be at #11 on the map of The Drowned Kingdom.

  19. Use the conch at E, which drains the pool at 'e'.

    You can take the Scepter called Current's Rush at #12 if you want it.

  20. Now go a little east and through the nearby portal at #7 to go to the other #7 portal to the north.

  21. Use the conch at C to drain the pool at 'c'.

  22. Go through the portal at #6 to the northeast. It will bring you to the other #6 portal that's a little to the north.

  23. Use the conch at A. It will fill the pool marked 'a' to the west of #3, but drain the pool marked 'a' west of #1.

  24. Now go through the portal at #2 which is a little northeast of the conch at A. It will take you to the other portal at #2 just a little north of #1.

  25. Now go to the pool west of #1. Click on the Wandering Soul (#5) that's in the now drained pool.

  26. Continue along the pathway that leads west and towards the portal at #6 in the center of the map. But don't go through that portal. Instead, go through the portal just a little west at #7 to reach the portal at #7 that's to the south.

  27. Go east and through the portal at #9 and reach the other #9 portal that's to the north.

  28. Click on the Wandering Soul (#5) in the pool at 'c'.

  29. Go back the way you came through the #9 portals.

  30. Go east to the portal at #10. The fourth and last Wandering Soul (#5) will be waiting in front of it.

  31. Now go through the #10 portal again.
  32. The Sunken Crown

  33. You'll now again be at #1 on the map of The Sunken Crown.

  34. King WingauroGo north to #3. The spirit of King Wingauro will appear on the throne now that you've collected all four Wandering Souls. Various background and skill checks are available. You can also use Betrayal to pretend to be his son, Edanke.

    The checks themselves aren't particularly important. It's the dialogue option "The Huana still thrive in the Deadfire. Your legacy survives you." that convinces him to see the error of his ways in allowing the Engwithans to build their machines in Ukaizo.

    You have the option of hugging him if you have turned yourself into Edanka through the use of Betrayal.

    You will now have the options of letting him dissolve away into the White Void, letting him join the trail of souls following you, or having him help you in the battle against Neriscyrlas.

    The end result is completing the Quest, along with an 8,000+ xp reward.

  35. You can now go through the portal at #5 to return to The Shattered Passage at #12.

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