Baldur's Gate 2 Online Walkthrough by Montresor
When you first arrive in Saradush, you will have to fight some Il-Khan Soldiers, after which Melissan asks you to try and speak to the city's leader, General Gromnir Il-Khan. Problem is, Gromnir has locked himself up in his castle and refuses to speak to anyone. So, you have to find a way into the castle...
There are two ways of getting in, both of which are described below:
Going Through the Sewers
There are three entrances to the Sewers in Saradush; at 1, 10, and 12. They are all locked so you will have to find a key.
- Go to the Saradush Barracks.
- Inside, the leader of the soldiers will ask you to leave. Tell him you go where you will, and all the soldiers will attack.
As straight melee this can be a tough battle but a quick Death Spell or Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting will do most of your work for you.
- Loot the chests at 2 for minor treasure and also for the Key to the Sewers.
- With the key, exit to the main Saradush map. The entrances to the sewers are at 1, 10, and 12. Pick either one.
- You will arrive in the Saradush Sewers at 4, 10, or 13. You need to fight your way to 1 where you will find the entrance to Level 2 of Saradush Prison.
Optionally, you can explore all of the sewers. There will be quite a bit of experience and loot.
- Enter Level 2 of Saradush Prison. The entrance to Gromnir's castle is at 10.
Optionally, you can go to 1 on the map and enter Level 1 of Saradush Prison and explore this area as well.
- Prepare for battle, then enter Level 1 of Gromnir's Castle. You will have to kill an Il-Khan Battle Mage and four Il-Khan Soldiers. Loot the bodies for what you can use among: An Adventurer's Robe, Studded Leather Armor +2, a Quarterstaff +2, a Spear +3, a Composite Bow +1, up to 60 Arrows +1, and four or five Potions of Extra Healing.
- Now prepare for a tough battle. Then enter Level 2 of Gromnir's Castle.
You will witness a short exchange between Gromnir Il-Khan and Melissan which ends with Melissan being dragged off to prison. Gromnir then turns to you.
- And he is not in the mood for speaking! Battle is inevitable. With him is an Il-Khan Battle Mage and another Mage, Karun the Black. At the stairs will be a couple of Il-Khan Soldiers, a fighter named Berena Elkan, and a Thief named Eler Had.
- Prioritize the Mages. A quick Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting can tip the battle in your favor. Once they are dead, the rest should be easy. For killing Gromnir Il-Khan, each party member gets 30,000 XP.
- When all enemies are dead, Melissan rushes in to stop the bloodshed ... alas, too late! She realizes that your only hope now is to kill Yaga-Shura; a giant who happens to be invulnerable. Nonetheless, this is your next big task.
Going through the Prison
The entrance to the old prison is at 7 in Saradush.
Of course there is the little problem that the door is securely locked and warded against simple spells so you will need a key – or find someone who will let you in.
- Go to the Temple of Waukeen in Saradush and speak to Sister Farielle. While here, buy a vial of Elven Holy Water. Make sure the party member who speaks to Farielle is not evil.
- If the party member is not evil, they can convince her that you need to speak to Gromnir Il-Khan. Sister Farielle will then give you the Key to the Saradush prison. Each party member receives 1,000 XP.
- An alternative way: If all party members are evil and you don't want to kill Sister Farielle and loot her body for the key, you can either go through the Sewers (please see above), or you can:
- Go to the Tankard Tree at night.
- At 9, speak to one of the Courtesans. Accept their "offer".
NOTE: Only the protagonist can speak to the Courtesan. It is highly recommended that you are protected from Level Drains and have plenty of hit points! An item that allows you to cast Sunray (Helm of Brilliance, Daystar +1) will also be useful.
- The protagonist is transported to 2 on Level 1 of the Prison. But with them will be four or five Vampires. The rest of the party is still in the Tankard Tree!
- Start battling the Vampires. In the meantime, have the rest of the party exit the Tankard Tree, rush to the prison entrance, and enter! With a bit of luck and skill you should all be inside the old prison and relatively unscathed.
- Exit the temple and go to the prison entrance at 7 in Saradush.
- Enter Level 1 of Saradush Prison. You arrive at 1 on that map.
- Go northeast (there being no other way), battling Vampires on the way. At 6 you will see a ghost clutching its temples. Search the nearby barrel for the Ghost's Skull.
- Go northwest and then southwest to 7 where you will have to fight more Vampires.
- Continue to 8 and the ghost appears again, this time mimicking putting on a necklace. Here will also be more Vampires.
- Loot the cell at 9 for the Rusted Amulet, then bring both the amulet and the skull to the cell at 11 and place them on the cot. The ghost appears again.
- If you brought Elven Holy Water, you will automatically sprinkle it on the grave. The ghost brings you to the cell at 12. Open the door, kill the Vampire, and loot the cot for the Bronze Ioun Stone. (Bonus 7th level mage spell; Cespenar can upgrade it with an item you can find in Watcher's Keep.)
- Now battle your way to 13 where you will meet Phlydian and another Vampire. Kill them both, then enter Level 2 of Saradush Prison. For getting this far, each party member receives 3,000 XP.
- You arrive at 1 on Level 2 of the Prison. The entrance to Gromnir's Castle is at 10.
- But first, speak to Asmay Jahag at 3 to learn that the area is heavily guarded by both soldiers and traps.
- Beyond the door at 4 is a trap. You will also be attacked by Fighters and Thieves.
- Optionally, free the prisoners at 5, 6, and 7 for one reputation point per prisoner. Watch out for the Mage and Fighters at 7.
- Enter the room at 8 and kill what's in there. Then go to 9 and 10 and kill the enemies there. The entrance to Level 1 of Gromnir's Castle is at 10.
- Optionally, you can take the opportunity to enter the Saradush Sewers at 2 and clear them out for the experience and booty.
- Prepare for battle, then enter Level 1 of Gromnir's Castle. You will have to kill an Il-Khan Battle Mage and four Il-Khan Soldiers. Loot the bodies for what you can use among: An Adventurer's Robe, Studded Leather Armor +2, a Quarterstaff +2, a Spear +3, a Composite Bow +1, up to 60 Arrows +1, and four or five Potions of Extra Healing.
- Now prepare for a tough battle. Then enter Level 2 of Gromnir's Castle.
You will witness a short exchange between Gromnir Il-Khan and Melissan which ends with Melissan being dragged off to prison. Gromnir then turns to you.
- And he is not in the mood for speaking! Battle is inevitable. With him is an Il-Khan Battle Mage and another Mage, Karun the Black. At the stairs will be a couple of Il-Khan Soldiers, a fighter named Berena Elkan, and a Thief named Eler Had.
- Prioritize the Mages. A quick Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting can tip the battle in your favor. Once they are dead, the rest should be easy. For killing Gromnir Il-Khan, each party member gets 30,000 XP.
- When all enemies are dead, Melissan rushes in to stop the bloodshed ... alas, too late! She realizes that your only hope now is to kill Yaga-Shura; a giant who happens to be invulnerable. Nonetheless, this is your next big task.
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