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Pillars of Eternity 2 Online Walkthrough by David Milward

Quests | Areas | Mega Bosses
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Areas: World Map | Deck of Many Things | Maje Island | Fort Deadlight | Neketaka | Kangati Islands | Karatapu Channel | Wakara Reef | Dunnage | Tehiwai Islands | Burning Shoals | West Wakara Reef | Sayuka | Hasongo | Crookspur | Rikihu's Maw | Magran's Teeth | Splintered Reef | Ukaizo
Expansions: Beast of Winter | Forgotten Sanctum | Seeker, Slayer, Survivor

Rikihu's Maw: Fampyr Island | Cave of Threshing | Ori O Koiki | Ori O Koiki Sanctum | Northwest Island | Outcast's Respite | North Island | Junvik Village | Drowned Barrows

Northwest Island

Rikihu's Maw, Northwest Island

  1. Here is the initial landing point for the island.

  2. Here is the Boot-Suck Bog. The first stage of the scripted interaction involves trying to get past the bog itself.

    Getting through involves a Survival check of 19 by a party member you select. You can proceed to the next part of the scripted interaction if you make this check.

    If you select a character other than the Watcher and that character fails the Survival check, that character starts to sink. Another character you select can make an Athletics check of 18 to safely extract the sinking character. Failing that Athletics check means you still get the character out safely, but he or she will now have the Fatigued (-5 Accuracy, -10 all Defenses, -15% Maximum Health) Injury. If you don't designate a character to help the sinking character, the sinking character has to make an Athletics check of 7 to get him or herself out. If the character fails that check, the character drowns and dies permanently.

    If the Watcher fails the Survival check, the Watcher also automatically attempts the Athletics check of 7 to get him or herself out. If that Athletics check fails, the companion or sidekick with the highest Athletics rank will attempt a rescue. If that Athletics check of 18 fails, you still get extracted to safety but the Watcher now suffers the Fatigued Injury.

    Bog WardenChoosing the "Press On" option leads to the next part of the interaction, which involves an encounter with several Bog Wanderers and Bog Lurkers. They'll demand that you leave the way you came, unless the Watcher is a Nature Godlike. In that instance, their leader will willingly give you a Ring of Greater Regeneration.

    A Diplomacy check of 17 is the other way to avoid a fight with the Bog Wanderers, although that means you won't get the Ring of Greater Regeneration.

    The Clever dialogue option, the attack option, or failing the Diplomacy check, will all lead to a fight with the Bog Wanderers and Bog Lurkers. Their equipment includes Superb armors and weapons, as well as the Ring of Greater Regeneration.

  3. You can obtain Fresh Fruit from this Orchard.

  4. Here is the entrance to Outcast's Respite.

  5. You can get Water from this Oasis.

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