Several Frost Shades and Greater Ice Blights will attack you here.
The dead body here has a Sigil
of Death Wardstone, which can be useful for the fight at around
You can interact with the soul here, and catch a glimpse of the avatar
of Rymrgand known as the Beast of Winter.
This locked and trapped chest has a pair of boots in it called the Footsteps of the Beast.
You can find a Sigil of Pain
Wardstone here, which can be useful for the fight at around #7.
Here is where you'll have to fight a cult of Rymrgand, led by
Champion-Ascendant Grymgaer. His cult includes several Pilgrims of
varying classes, as well as Bear Companions. Defeating this cult is the
focus of the Task called The
There will be a rope and grappling hook here, and it leads down to the
Rimebound Temple through a scripted
A Perception check of 14 on the way down reveals an object lodged in the
ice. You can have a character make a Might check of 16 to pull it out of
the ice. Making the check will result in a War Hammer called Glacierbane
going into your inventory then and there.
If you initially attempt to get the item but decide you can't make the
Might check, a couple of alternatives become available. Those
alternatives are to use either a fire-based spell (e.g., Fireball) or an
Immolator to melt the ice around it.
Glacierbane will drop down to
the bottom. That means you'll have to make your way to the Rimebound
Temple and then pick it up.
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"*JUSTICE was my cause. The FLESH... the FLESH could not remain. Yet JUSTICE needed to be SERVED. There was the DEATH of flesh, but the WILL would not let go... there were MORE to be punished. ALWAYS more. JUSTICE... JUSTICE would not have been served by my DEATH.*" -Vhailor, Planescape: Torment