Notice in the top right corner of the world map is an icon depicting a camp fire. Clicking on this will return you to the Camp. The Camp is always right next to the location on the World Map that you just came from. Suppose that you just came from the Market District of Denerim and are now viewing the World Map. Click on the Camp icon and you'll go to camp. When you leave camp and view the world map, your camp will still be right next to the Market District. Click on the Denerim location, and you'll be there in no time. Move to another location on the World Map, like Redcliffe for example, and the Camp will move right next to the Redcliffe. Then when you leave the Redcliffe, and go to the Camp, you'll be able to go from the Camp to Redcliffe in no time.
Here is the village of Lothering. Note that after you complete a treaty mission, this area will no longer be available.
Here is the Dalish Camp. You'll need to come here to start the quest invovling the Dalish and their troubles in the Brecilian forest.
Here is the West Brecilian Forest. This won't appear on the world map until you've already reached the forest through the Dalish Camp.
Here are the Brecilian Ruins. This won't appear on the world map until you've already reached the ruins after exploring the forest.
Here is the city of Denerim. Whenever you come here through the World Map, by default you will arrive in the Market District.
This is an area that will be marked 'Caravan'. It will not appear on your world map until you get a specific quest for it.
This is an area that will be marked 'Refugees'. It will not appear on your world map until you get a specific quest for it.
This is an area that will be marked 'Battlefield'. It will not appear on your world map until you get a specific quest for it.
This is an area that will be marked 'Civil War'. It will not appear on your world map until you get a specific quest for it.
Here is the way to Soldier's Keep. This will not appear on your map until you've downloaded the Warden's Keep DLC from Bioware's site and get a specific quest to come here.
Here is the Tower of the Circle of Magi. This will become available on the world map after you've already come here through the Lake Calenhad Docks. Note that whenever you come here, by default you will start off in the Apprentices' Quarters.
Here is the entrance to the Commons of the Dwarven city of Orzammar. This will appear on your world map after you've already come here through the Frostback Mountain Pass.
Here is the village of Haven. This will not appear on your world map until you've explored the Market District of Denerim enough to find clues leading here.
Here is the Ruined Temple. This will not appear on your map until you've explored the village of Haven and found a prisoner who can point the way.
Here is the Courtyard of Redcliffe Castle. This will not appear on your map until a crisis facing Redcliffe Village has been resolved, and a local noble is able to direct you towards the castle.
Here is Sulcher's Pass. This will not appear on your map unless you've downloaded the Shale DLC from Bioware's site.
Here is the Village of Honnleath. This will not appear on your map until a certain hapless merchant in Sulcher's Pass has given you direction.
Here is Bann Loren's Lands. This will not appear on your map unless you've downloaded the Return to Ostagar DLC from Bioware's site.
Here is where you can Return to Ostagar. You won't be able to Return to Ostagar until you've spoken with a member of King Cailan's Guard at Bann Loren's Lands.
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