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Feb 24, 2025 at 4:19 AM
Aug 3, 2004
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Jun 10, 1981 (Age: 43)
Postdoctoral Fellow


I speak in rebuses, 43, from Montreal

Ziad was last seen:
Viewing thread TES Marathon, Feb 24, 2025 at 4:19 AM
    1. Deathmage
      Haven't been here in a while. How are you, how's things?
      Anyways, just wanted to tell you that when I was in Florence, I so happened to get a flyer for a Scheherazade concert that very night. For free. In an old church.
      And it was absolutely amazing. The conductor did things with such brilliant energy, jumping and swaying on the stage, conducting with his hands ... brilliant. I sat way up front and was super-happy. :D
    2. Triactus
      Happy birthday man! :D
    3. Deathmage
    4. Deathmage
    5. Deathmage
    6. Deathmage
    7. Deathmage
      My favorite bit is the melody that kicks in about 1:15. Pity it doesn't last very long.

      I came to know this piece through Fantasia 2000. The segment is actually really nice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhnmsApKFzA

      Any other Shosty to recommend?
    8. Deathmage
      More in support of the Piano Concerto #2 = Best theory.
      I find it quite curious that Shostakovich chooses to play this so fast...

      Also, finally had a good listen to Rachimanioff's Second today - for some reason I never enjoyed it, but this time I had a blast. I love that ending of the first movement - sounds like some sort of dark fairytale.
    9. Deathmage
      I've only heard two - Idil Biret and Pascal Roges, the latter of which I picked up yesterday. Both are really good, but ATM I think I prefer Roges, who plays with more fluidity.
    10. Deathmage
      Okay, I have to really, really strongly suggest Saint-Saens' 2nd and 4th Piano Concertos. Especially the 4th. These sound kind of slow at first hearing, but I think it takes a few listens to fall in love with it, and then it gnaws on your head.
    11. Deathmage
      Hey Z,
      Going to this on Saturday.

      RAVEL Schéhérazade ouverture de féerie
      KANCHELI 'Midday Prayers'
      RIMSKY-KORSAKOV Scheherazade Op.35

      Obviously I love RK's Scheherazade but I don't know anything about the other two. Do you think I should listen to the music before I go? I'm torn - I want to be blasted with the magical moment where I hear it live, but I also want to appreciate the intricacies of the movements.

    12. Deathmage
      Bartok...heard good things about him. I actually haven't listened to classical music for a few months, since I lost my iPod - was too depressed to listen to it. But some guy found it and gave it back so now I'm rebuilding my collection!

      I really enjoy Shosty's Piano Concerto #2, the first movement - admittedly I got it from Fantasia. Still, the main melody is very nice and magical.

      Scheherazade is playing here in September, I'll definitely go listen to it (gotta get tickets...) Which version of it do you have? My first one was Mariss Jansons, which is very nice and stately. If you can, though, try to get your hand on the David Nolan version - it sounds more fluid and magical. The first and third movements sounds absolutely wonderful and achingly sweet, but the climax of the fourth movement is somewhat ruined (IMHO) by the faster pace. Really recommended though!
    13. Deathmage
      Listening to Mahler's First Symphony. It's divine - was almost scared to go into them, though...
    14. Deathmage
      Hey, thanks! I appreciate it.
      I tend to hang out the boards when I'm procrastinating, so yeah, uni's starting again... :P

      Haven't been to the chatrooms because normally nothing happens, but I'll pop in sometime. :)
    15. Deathmage
      Ziad - I'm becoming addicted to classical music. Bought a Rimsky-Korsakov (Scheherazade, Cappricio Espagnol) + Mussorgsky (Pictures at an Exhibition, Night on Bald Mountain), and a Saint-Saens (No. 3 "Organ", Danse Macabre, Carnival of the Animals). Also listening to some stuff that are sort of just around the house.

      Recommend more, more, more! :)
    16. Deathmage
      Please do!

      I've been addicted to Beethoven's Seventh - the rolling cascade of the first movement, the soulful beginning and the part with the drums (timpani?) in the second. It's a shame the timpani bits are so short - there could easily be a whole piece from that.
    17. Deathmage
      Hey, I'm listening to Rimsky-Korsakov's Scheherazade right now, and it's totally awesome. Thanks for recommending!
    18. ChickenIsGood
      Yeah, 4th is good, but there is no next year since I'm on to college... thanks.
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    Jun 10, 1981 (Age: 43)
    Postdoctoral Fellow
    Books, music, movies, computers
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