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Pillars of Eternity 2 Online Walkthrough by David Milward

Quests | Areas | Mega Bosses
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Areas: World Map | Deck of Many Things | Maje Island | Fort Deadlight | Neketaka | Kangati Islands | Karatapu Channel | Wakara Reef | Dunnage | Tehiwai Islands | Burning Shoals | West Wakara Reef | Sayuka | Hasongo | Crookspur | Rikihu's Maw | Magran's Teeth | Splintered Reef | Ukaizo
Expansions: Beast of Winter | Forgotten Sanctum | Seeker, Slayer, Survivor

Crookspur: Crookspur Island | Crookspur | Crookspur Fort | Sea Cave | Crookspur Dungeon

Sea Cave near Crookspur

Crookspur Sea Cave

  1. This tunnel leads back out to Crookspur at #4.

  2. This tunnel leads to the northern half of Crookspur Island, starting at #8.

  3. There will be a Crystal Spider Queen and a few Crystal Spiders to fight here.

  4. There will be a gate here. You can open it by simply using the lever at #5 if you came from the stairs at #6.

    You won't be able to use the lever if you came from south of the gate. Your options in that instance are:

    • Using a Prybar.
    • Making a Might check of 18.
    • Using an Attack power that inflicts Corrosive Damage.
    • Using the Form of the Helpless Beast spell if one of your characters has it.

  5. You can use this lever to open the door at #4 if you approach it from the north side.

  6. These stairs lead to the Crookspur Dungeon, starting at #10.

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