Exit to West Harbor. Note that you can rest up before leaving the house.
The chest in this room contains some random treasures and a Dagger +1.
Here is where youll meet Retta Starling again, who explains the situation and lends her dogs to your aid.
Here is where youll battle the Gray Dwarves with the help of Rettas dogs.
Here is where you find the Starling Children. Youll get 75xp for the rescue, and you can earn good points by selecting dialogue options that emphasize that they shouldnt revel in bloodshed.
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"*NOTHING that lives is INNOCENT. Yet LAW rises ABOVE the flesh and blood. FROM IMPERFECTION PERFECTION MAY BE MADE. UNJUST LAWS may be REFINED. BLED OF THEIR EVIL.*" -Vhailor, Planescape: Torment