Before you actually arrive at the Well, youll bump into a rather insane Gnome named Grobnar, who can join your party as a Bard. Anyway, take the next World Map Transition to reach the Well.
If you joined the Shadow Thieves, somebody named Karina will show up and provide you with Forged Council Missives in order to pose as somebody in Neverwinters good graces.
Here is where youll find the Dwarven commander, Callum. He gives you the rundown on the situation. Your immediate task is to find the missing emissary. First though, youll have to fight off a wave of Orcs on the attack.
Here youll find Simmy, who sells various crafting materials, as well as:
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"*Mercy is a shield used by the WEAK. Mercy is WEAKNESS. Mercy is DEATH. NO ONE is innocent. Mercykillers slay mercy and its WHORES wherever their plague has carried them.*" -Vhailor, Planescape: Torment