If Alistair is in your party when you first arrive, this is where he 'confesses' that's he's the illegitimate son of the legendary King Maric, and that royal lineage is not exactly a source of pride for him. This fact has significant repercussions as you progress towards the end of the game.
When you first make your way towards Redcliffe from the World Map, you'll run into a man named Tomas waiting on the bridge. He briefly explains the village's problems with nightly attacks by hordes of undead. He then brings you here inside the Village Chantry to the going man in charge, Bann Teagan. Teagan asks for your help against the coming attack. If you agree, this wins approval from Alistair and Wynne, but loses approval from Morrigan and Sten. Bann Teagan will then ask you to speak with some of the villagers outside in order to prepare for the coming battle, Mayor Murdoch and Ser Perth in particular.
If you refuse, this wins approval with both Morrigan and Sten but loses approval with Alistair and Wynne. If you then travel to another location on the World Map without helping the villagers, on your way there, you'll see a cutscene of the undead descending on the frightened villagers. When you return, Bann Teagan will be here as the sole survivor of the attack. Everybody else was killed and had their bodies dragged to the castle. Bann Teagan, even if initially upset at your earlier unwillingness to help, is willing to guide you. He'll leave out the door of the Chantry. Follow him the rest of the way for a discreet way into the nearby Castle.
In the middle of the Chantry you`ll find a few characters. One is Irenia. She is one of the widows that the Blackstone Irregulars want you to deliver a Letter of Condolence to as part of the Notice of Death quest.
Another is Jetta, the wife of the late Missionary Rigby. If you still have the Sealed Lockbox from the Korcari Wilds, you can present it to her for a little xp.
You'll also find a book and a bookshelf that provide Codex Entries for the Thedas Calendar and Demonic Possession.
Here is Kaitlyn. Her little brother is missing, and you can volunteer to try and look for him. He won't be hard to find, in a closet in a house in the village itself. When you do find him, you can come to Kaitlyn for a small xp reward. This will win approval from Wynne.
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